Department of Animal Health and Management
About the Department

The Department of Animal Health and Management (DAHM) was established in 2008 and has been offering programs such as M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Zoology since 2011. The Department has experienced faculty members who specialize in Biomaterials and Biotechnology in Animal Health, Phage Therapy, Alternative Medicine for Disease Control and Prevention, Vermiculture Technology, Pharmacognosy and Molecular Cancer Biology. The main aim is:

  1. To develop an appreciation of the importance of animal husbandry and aquaculture in the Indian economy.
  2. To find effective and new medicines for chronic diseases that poses a threat to the existence of the human race and aquatic organisms.
  3. To encourage researchers to pool their resources for the welfare of not only humanity but also livestock.
  1. Received funds worth of Rs. 318.49 lakh from agencies including DBT, DST, UGC, CSIR and SERB.
  2. Achieved a notable h-index (Web of Science) – 59.
  3. Published 587 research articles in peer-reviewed indexed journals.
  4. Awarded 31 Ph.D., Degrees.
  5. Provide technical and entrepreneurial skills (Vermicomposting, Mushroom and Ornamental Fish Culture) to younger generations
  1. To become a globally recognized Centre for Excellence in Animal Health and Management, driving innovation through education and research while adopting sustainable practices.
  1. To provide education advocating scientific understanding in the realm of Animal Health and Management. We strive to conduct cutting-edge research to address contemporary issues and emerging challenges in animal welfare. Through active engagement with local and international communities, we aim to deliver impactful knowledge and foster interdisciplinary collaboration.
Career opportunities

The programs offered by the Department of Animal Health and Management are highly regarded by a wide range of employers. The unique blend of fundamental science, practical application, and insight into social perspectives has enabled postgraduates to pursue careers in the following:

  1. Industrial and government research institutes in India and overseas
  2. Academic / industrial research in basic and applied biotechnology, microbiology, animal production science, etc.
  3. Para-medical / Para-veterinary sciences
  4. Advisory and business consultants in management, sales, and marketing in agricultural sectors.

Contact Us
  1. Dr. B. Vaseeharan

  2. Professor and Head
  3. Department of Animal Health and Management
  4. Alagappa University, Karaikudi – 630003, Tamil Nadu, India.

  2. (+91) 4565 223350
  3. (+91) 4565 223351
  4. (+91) 4565 225202

Dr. B. Vaseeharan

Professor and Head



Dr. P. Srinivasan



Dr. N. M. Prabhu

Associate Professor


Dr. M. Biruntha

Assistant Professor


Dr. V. Nithya

Assistant Professor


Dr. P. Kumar

Assistant Professor

Faculty Credentials / Achievements
Dr. B. Vaseeharan
Biomaterials and Biotechnology in Animal Health Lab
Total Number of Publications Citations h-index i-10 index
206 11904 60 194
Five Selected Publications:
  1. Vaseeharan, B. A. R. P., &Ramasamy, P. (2003). Control of pathogenic Vibrio spp. by Bacillus subtilis BT23, a possible probiotic treatment for black tiger shrimp Penaeusmonodon. Letters in applied microbiology, 36(2), 83-87. (Impact Factor – 2.4).
  2. Ishwarya, R., Vaseeharan, B., Kalyani, S., Banumathi, B., Govindarajan, M., Alharbi, N. S., ...&Benelli, G. (2018). Facile green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles using Ulvalactuca seaweed extract and evaluation of their photocatalytic, antibiofilm and insecticidal activity. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 178, 249-258. (Impact Factor – 5.4).
  3. Gobi, N., Vaseeharan, B., Chen, J. C., Rekha, R., Vijayakumar, S., Anjugam, M., &Iswarya, A. (2018). Dietary supplementation of probiotic Bacillus licheniformis Dahb1 improves growth performance, mucus and serum immune parameters, antioxidant enzyme activity as well as resistance against Aeromonashydrophila in tilapia Oreochromismossambicus. Fish & shellfish immunology, 74, 501-508. (Impact Factor – 4.7).
  4. Malaikozhundan, B., Vinodhini, J., Kalanjiam, M. A. R., Vinotha, V., Palanisamy, S., Vijayakumar, S., ...& Mariyappan, A. (2020). High synergistic antibacterial, antibiofilm, antidiabetic and antimetabolic activity of Withaniasomnifera leaf extract-assisted zinc oxide nanoparticle. Bioprocess and biosystems engineering, 43, 1533-1547. (Impact Factor – 3.8).
  5. Jeyavani, J., Sibiya, A., Stalin, T., Vigneshkumar, G., Al-Ghanim, K. A., Riaz, M. N., ...& Vaseeharan, B. (2023). Biochemical, genotoxic and histological implications of polypropylene microplastics on freshwater fish Oreochromismossambicus: An aquatic eco-toxicological assessment. Toxics, 11(3), 282. (Impact Factor – 4.6).
  1. 2023 - Life Time Achievement Award- Journal of Fisheries and Life Sciences by College of Fisheries, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
  2. 2022 - Short-term Visiting Scholar Fellowship from Mahidol University, Thailand
  3. 2022 -Dr. M. Swaminathan Best Fisheries Scientist Award, 2019 by PFGF, ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore
  4. 2021 - Best Scientist Award- Journal of Fisheries and Life Sciences by College of Fisheries, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
  5. 2021 - TANSA Award by Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India

Dr. P. Srinivasan
Molecular Diagnostics Lab
Total Number of Publications Citations h-index i-10 index
80 2079 25 50
Five Selected Publications:
  1. NaoremRojita Devi, SitalKhandelwal, MuthumariSubramaniyan, Srinivasan Pappu. Extraction of Omega-3 fatty acids from the skin of Belonebelone: therapeutic potential through antioxidant, antibacterial, antibiofilm and BSLT assay 3 Biotech, 14(2): 42; 2024 (Impact Factor – 2.8).
  2. SitalKhandelwal, NaoremRojita Devi, MuthumariSubramaniyan, Srinivasan Pappu. Physicochemical characterization and therapeutic potential of ink from squid, Sepioteuthislessoniana 3 Biotech, 13: 418; 2023. (Impact Factor – 2.8).
  3. Rajkumar. L. Vasanthi, ChinnasamyArulvasu, Ponnuchamy Kumar, Govarthanan Muthusamy, Pappu Srinivasan Ingestion of microplastics and its potential for causing structural alterations and oxidative stress in Indian green mussel Pernaviridis- A multiple biomarker approach Chemosphere, 283: 130979; 2021. (Impact Factor – 8.8).
  4. Shabir Ahmad Ganai, Pappu Srinivasan, SundarajRajamanikandan, Basit Amin Shah, Suma Mohan, MudasirGani, Bilal Ahmad Padder, Raies A Qadri, M A Bhat, Zahoor Ahmad Baba, Manzoor Ahmad Yatoo Delineating binding potential, stability of Sulforaphane-N-acetyl-cysteine in the active site of histone deacetylase 2 and testing its cytotoxicity against distinct cancer lines through stringent molecular dynamics, DFT and cell-based assays Chemical Biology and Drug Design, 98(3): 363-376; 2021. (Impact Factor – 3).
  5. Patel, Puja; Manimaran Nadar, Vinita; Umapathy, Devan; Manivannan, Selvambigai; Venkatesan, Rajiu; Arockiam, Antony Joseph Velanganni; Srinivasan, Pappu; ZoltánGulyás, Balázs; Padmanabhan, Parasuraman; Tamil Selvan, Subramanian; Ponnuchamy, Kumar Doxorubicin–Conjugated Platinum Theranostic Nanoparticles Induce Apoptosis via Inhibition of Cell Survival (PI3K/AKT) Signaling Pathway in Human Breast Cancer Cells ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4(1): 198-210; 2021(Impact Factor – 5.9).
  1. A novel method for isolation and long term storage of lytic phages of Vibro vulnificus – Application No. 201741032875 – Published (The Patent Office Journal No. 47/2017 dated: 24.11.2017).
  2. Bacteriophage preparation for biocontrol of Vibriosis – Application No. 201741032876 – Published (The Patent Office Journal No. 47/2018 24.11.2017).
  1. 2019 – Fellow the Academy of Sciences, The Academy of Sciences, Chennai.
  2. 2020 - Appreciation for H index – Alagappa University, Karaikudi.
  3. 2020 – Recognition for the contribution – RUSA 2.0, Alagappa University, Karaikudi
  4. 2012 - DST-Fast Track Young Scientist Award, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi

Dr. N. M. Prabhu
Alternative Medicine for Disease Control and Prevention Lab
Total Number of Publications Citations h-index i-10 index
84 3148 33 54
Five Selected Publications:
  1. John, A. S., Gopalakrishnan, A., Sravani, S., Dewangan, N. K., Seralathan, M. V., &Prabhu, N. M. (2024). Co-infection of mud crab Reovirus (MCRV) and Staphylococcus saprophyticus in giant mud crab, Scylla serrata (Forsskal, 1775). Aquaculture, 579, 740199. (Impact Factor – 4.5).
  2. Anjali, R., Palanisamy, S., Vinosha, M., Selvi, A. M., Manikandakrishnan, M., Sathiyaraj, G., Marudhupandi, T., You, S. &Prabhu, N. M*. (2022). Sulfated polysaccharides from Caulerpasertularioides: Extraction and evaluation of antioxidant, antibacterial, and immunological properties. Industrial Crops and Products, 188, 115671. (Impact Factor – 5.9).
  3. Ganesan, S., Baskaran, B., Raj, M., Marimuthu, S., Krishnasamy, V., Lamech, R., Mandal, A., Shanmuganathan, K. &Narayanasamy Marimuthu, Prabhu*. (2023). Reovirus occurrence in mud crab farming systems and wild-caught brooders located in eastern coastal area of India. Aquaculture International, 31(2), 739-758. (Impact Factor – 2.9).
  4. Vinosha, M., Palanisamy, S., Anjali, R., Li, C., Yelithao, K., Marudhupandi, T., Tabarsa, M., You, S &Prabhu, N. M*. (2020). Sulfated galactan from Halymeniadilatata enhance the antioxidant properties and prevents Aeromonashydrophila infection in tilapia fish: in vitro and in vivo study. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 158, 569-579. (Impact Factor – 8.2).
  5. Tabarsa, M., Dabaghian, E. H., You, S., Yelithao, K., Palanisamy, S., Prabhu, N. M., & Li, C. (2020). Inducing inflammatory response in RAW264. 7 and NK-92 cells by an arabinogalactan isolated from Ferula gummosa via NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways. Carbohydrate Polymers, 241, 116358. (Impact Factor – 11.2).
  1. 2022 – Promising Research Award from Alagappa University, Karaikudi
  2. 2021 - Theme Based Research Project of RUSA 2.0 – from Alagappa University, Karaikudi.
  3. 2020 – Vallal Alagappar Research Recognition Award – from Alagappa University, Karaikudi

Dr. M. Biruntha
Vermiculture Technology Lab
Total Number of Publications Citations h-index i-10 index
45 2463 22 27
Five Selected Publications:
  1. Natchimuthu Karmegam, Mani Jayakumar, Muthusamy Govarthanan, Ponnuchamy Kumar, Balasubramani Ravindran, Muniyandi Biruntha (2021) Precomposting and green manure amendment for effective vermitransformation of hazardous coir industrial waste into enriched vermicompost, Bioresource Technology,V-319 p 1241361. (Impact Factor – 11.4).
  2. RadhakrishnanYedhu Krishnan, Sivasubramanian Manikandan, Ramasamy Subbaiya, Muniyandi Biruntha, Muthusamy Govarthanan, Natchimuthu Karmegam(2021). Removal of emerging micropollutants originating from pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in water and wastewater by advanced oxidation processes: A review, Environmental Technology &Innovation, p 101757. (Impact Factor – 7.1).
  3. Sivasubramanian Manikandan, Ramasamy Subbaiya, Muniyandi Biruntha, Radhakrishnan Yedhu Krishnan, Govarthanan Muthusamy, Natchimuthu Karmegam (2022) Recent development patterns, utilization and prospective of biofuel production: Emerging nanotechnological intervention for environmental sustainability–A review. Fuel , Volume 314, 15 April 2022, 122757. (Impact Factor – 7.4).
  4. R.Yedhu Krishnan, S. Manikandan, R. Subbaiya, M. Biruntha, R. Balachandar, N. Karmegam.2022. Origin, transport and ecological risk assessment of illicit drugs in the environment–A review Chemosphere, 311(2) 137091. (Impact Factor – 8.8).
  5. Nadar Manimaran Vinita, Umapathy Devan, Sabapathi Durgadevi, Selvaraj Anitha, Dhamodharan Prabhu, Sundarraj Rajamanikandan, Muthusamy Govarthanan, Ananthanarayanan Yuvaraj, Muniyandi Biruntha, Arockiam Antony Joseph Velanganni, Jeyaraman Jeyakanthan, Pitchan Arul Prakash, Mohamed Sultan Mohamed Jaabir, Ponnuchamy Kumar . 2023. Triphenylphosphonium conjugated gold nanotriangles impact Pi3K/AKT pathway in breast cancer cells: a photodynamic therapy approach. Scientific Reports.13 (1) 2230. (Impact Factor – 4.6).
  1. Advanced Breast Cancer Detection System – Application No. 390418-001 – Accepted & Published (The Patent Office Journal No. 08/2018 dated: 23.02.2024).
  1. 2022 – Promising Researcher Award, Alagappa University. (Cash Prize of Rs. 3,000).
  2. 2021 - Appreciation for Quality Enhancement in Teaching and Research, Alagappa University.
  3. 2020 – Vallal Alagappar Research Recognition Award, Alagappa University.

Dr. V. Nithya
Pharmacognosy Lab
Total Number of Publications Citations h-index i-10 index
69 617 12 18
Five Selected Publications:
  1. Hongru Zhang, Joe Antony Jacob, Ziyu Jiang, SenleiXu, Ke Sun, ZehaoZhong, Nithya, V.,&AchiramanShanmugam. (2019). Hepatoprotective effect of silver nanoparticles synthesized using aqueous leaf extract of Rhizophoraapiculata. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 14, 3517. (Impact Factor - 8).
  2. BaluKrishnakumar, Ravikumar, S., Pandiyan, V., Nithya, V., Sylvestre, S., Sivakumar, P., Surya, C., Agnel, Arul John, N., &Abilio JFN Sobral. (2020). Synthesis, characterization of porphyrin and CdS modified spherical shaped SiO2 for Reactive Red 120 degradation under direct sunlight. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1210, 128021. (Impact Factor- 3.8).
  3. Ravikumar, S., Pandiyan, V., ManawwerAlam, Naushad Ahmad, Nithya, V., BaluKrishnakumar, &Abilio.J.F.N. Sobral. (2021). Costusspeciosuskoen leaf extract assisted csznx (X= O or S) nanomaterials: Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic degradation of rr 120 dye under uv and direct sunlight. Journal of Molecular Structure 1225, 129176. (Impact Factor- 3.8).
  4. Ravikumar, R., &Baskar, A., Nithya, V., Haripriya, R.,&Parkavi, V. (2012). Efficacy of anti-`diarrheal activity of Pedalium murex L., in wistar albino rats. BMC Infectious Diseases, 12 (1), 1-1. (Impact Factor- 3.7).
  5. Ramachandran, R., Vinothkumar, A., Sankarganesh, D., Suriyakalaa, U., Aathmanathan, V.S., Kamalakkannan, S., Nithya, V., Angayarkanni, J., Archunan. G., Akbarsha, M.A., &Achiraman, S. (2020). Detection of estrous biomarkers in the body exudates of Kangayam cattle (Bosindicus) from interplay of hormones and behavioral expressions. Domestic animal endocrinology, 72, 106392. (Impact Factor- 2.1).
  1. 2021 – PIMS Award-2021 Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Women Lifetime Award by Puducherry Institute of Management & Science in collaboration with International Internship University, Nepal.
  2. 2021 - Sarvepalli Radhakrishan Teacher Award by Puducherry Institute of Management& Science in collaboration with International Internship University, Nepal.
  3. 2018 – Outstanding Alumus Award, Shrimati Indira Gandhi College, Bharathidasan University.
  4. 2017 – AURF start-up research grant for newly recruited faculty, Alagappa University.

Dr. P. Kumar
Molecular Cancer Biology Lab
Total Number of Publications Citations h-index i-10 index
104 4085 36 75
Five Selected Publications:
  1. Vinita, N. M., Devan, U., Durgadevi, S., Anitha, S., Govarthanan, M., Antony Joseph Velanganni, A., Jeyakanthan, J., Prakash, P. A., Mohamed Jaabir, M. S., &Kumar, P. (2023). Impact of Surface Charge-Tailored Gold Nanorods for Selective Targeting of Mitochondria in Breast Cancer Cells Using Photodynamic Therapy. ACS omega, 8, 37, 33229-33241. (Impact Factor – 4.1).
  2. Vinita, N. M., Devan, U., Durgadevi, S., Anitha, S., Prabhu, D., Rajamanikandan, S., Govarthanan, M., Yuvaraj, A., Biruntha, M., Antony Joseph Velanganni, A., Jeyakanthan, J., Prakash, P. A., Mohamed Jaabir, M. S., &Kumar, P. (2023). Triphenylphosphonium conjugated gold nanotriangles impact Pi3K/AKT pathway in breast cancer cells: A photodynamic therapy approach. Scientific Reports, 13. 2230. (Impact Factor – 4.6).
  3. Patel, P., Nadar, V. M., Umapathy, D., Manivannan, S., Venkatesan, R., Joseph Arokiyam, V. A., Pappu, S., Prakash, P. A., Mohamed Jabir, M. S., Gulyás, B., Padmanabhan, P., Selvan, S. T., &Kumar, P. (2021). Doxorubicin-Conjugated Platinum Theranostic Nanoparticles Induce Apoptosis via Inhibition of a Cell Survival (PI3K/AKT) Signaling Pathway in Human Breast Cancer Cells. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4(1), 198–210. (Impact Factor – 5.9).
  4. Patel, P., Umapathy, D., Manivannan, S., Nadar, V. M., Venkatesan, R., Joseph Arokiyam, V. A., Pappu, S., &Kumar, P. (2021). A doxorubicin–platinum conjugate system: Impacts on PI3K/AKT actuation and apoptosis in breast cancer cells. RSC Advances, 11(8), 4818–4828. (Impact Factor – 3.9).
  5. Madhumitha, C. T., Karmegam, N., Biruntha, M., Arun, A., Al Kheraif, A. A., Kim, W., &Kumar, P. (2022). Extraction, identification, and environmental risk assessment of microplastics in commercial toothpaste. Chemosphere, 296, 133976. (Impact Factor – 8.8).
  1. Phloroglucinol mediated carbon quantum dots with anticancer bioactivity and preparation method thereof – Application No. 202341046445 – Published (The Patent Office Journal No. 35/2023 dated: 01.09.2023).
  2. Method for the preparation of CA-CQDs for electrochemical sensing of epicatechin –Application No. 202341046447 - Published (The Patent Office Journal No. 35/2023 dated: 01.09.2023).
  3. Advanced Breast Cancer Detection System – Application No. 390418-001 – Accepted & Published (The Patent Office Journal No. 08/2018 dated: 23.02.2024).
  1. 2023 – Young Scientist Award (Saraswathy Srinivasan Prize), The Academy of science, Chennai (Cash Prize of Rs. 20,000 & Certificate of Merit).
  2. 2022 - Promising Researcher Award, Alagappa University. (Cash Prize of Rs. 3,000).
  3. 2020 – Vallal Alagappar Research Recognition Award, Alagappa University.
  4. 2019 – Outstanding Researcher Award, SIMATS, Chennai, India and Innoscience Research Sdn BhD, Malaysia.
  5. 2016 – Early Career Research Award, Science and Engineering Research Board for executing major research project worth Rs. 21,80,228.
Programmes on Offer
Sl. No. Programme Level Name of the Programmes Action
1PGM.Sc Zoology
Value Added Courses
(in PG Programme)

5090207SC - Shrimp Culture and Processing Technology

Click Here to View

509207V - Vermiculture Technolog

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509207CC - Food Processing Technology

Click Here to View

509207VV - Valued added Vermiproducts

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509207AQ - Aquaculture

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509207PP - Poultry Production

Click Here to View

509207AC - Basics in Animal Cell Culture

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509207M - Mushroom Cultivation

Click Here to View

Fee Structure
M.Sc., Zoology
Details Fee (Rs.)
Tuition Fees 1000
Computer Lab Fees 500
Special Fees 2000
Other Fees 1000
First Year - Total Fees 4500
Second Year - Total Fees 3500


  1. Physically challenged candidates are exempted from the payment of Tuition Fee and Special Fee.
  2. Only Tuition Fee is exempted for SC/ST candidates and all other Fee to be remitted by them.
  3. Foreign Students: Double the Tuition Fee plus other Fee as applicable for all other candidates.

Fees can also be paid semester-wise. In such cases, the candidates have to pay as per the following guidelines.

I Semester - 50% Tuition Fee with all other fees specified above
II Semester – balance 50% Tuition Fee + Rs. 100/-
III Semester – 50% Tuition Fee with all other fees specified above.
IV Semester – balance 50% Tuition Fee + Rs. 100/-
Ph.D., Zoology
S.No Description Fee (Rs.)
1 Cost of Application 1000
2 Registration Fee 3000
3 Annual Fee payable per annum up to a maximum of Seven (5+2) years
a) For Full-Time Scholars in the Faculty of Science 6000
b) For Part-Time Scholars in the Faculty of Science 10000
4 Course Work & Comprehensive Viva-Voce 4000
5 Library & Internet Fee 1500
6 Change of Guide / Centre Fee 2000
7 Conversion Fee (Part-Time to Full-Time or Vice-versa) 2000
8 Submission of Thesis 12000
9 Postage 3000
10 Re-registration Fee 5000
11 Video Conferencing for Public Viva-Voce 5000
12 Special Extension Penalty Fee 10000
13 Computer / Internet charges per annum 1000
14 Library Fee per annum 500

The department has separate lab facilities for teaching (M.Sc.) and research programmes. The lecture halls are supported with LCD and smart board to make effective presentations. The lab is well equipped with high quality scientific instruments for the learning research in thrust areas. The department is provided with regular internet connectivity to make students updated with recent innovations and ideas.

Major areas of research
  1. Biomaterials and Biotechnology in Animal Health
  2. Phage therapy
  3. Alternative Medicine for Disease Control and Prevention
  4. Vermiculture Technology
  5. Pharmacognosy
  6. Molecular Cancer Biology
Instruments Facility

The Department is equipped with good laboratory facilities for the research activities. This Department having the following equipment

  1. Biophotometer
  2. Cooling incubator (Remi)
  3. ELISA plate reader
  4. Gel documentation system and all accessories (ProGen)
  5. Ice slicer
  6. Incubator (Remi)
  7. Laminar flow Horizontal (Hasthas)
  8. Master cycler personal (Eppendorf)
  9. Microtome
  10. Orbital shaker (Remi)
  11. PCR work station
  12. Revolutionary table top high speed cooling centrifuge (Remi)
  13. Safety cabinet
  14. Sonicator
  15. UV- Vis Spec (Elico-SL159)
  16. Multipurpose Refrigerated Micro Centrifuge
  17. Semi Automated Bio-Chemical Analyzer
Sophisticated Instruments (General Facilities)
  1. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy ( CLSM 710 )
  2. Real Time-PCR
Nano Pharmacology Lab
Biomaterial and Biotechnology Lab
Molecular Diagnostic Lab
Molecular Diagnostic Lab
Prevention Alternative Disease Control Lab & Medicine Lab
Disease Control Lab
Vermiculture Technology Lab
Vermiculture Technology Lab
Phaemacognosy Lab
Phaemacognosy Lab
Clinical Biochemistry Lab
Molecular Cancer Biology
M.Sc. Common Lab
M.Sc. Common Lab

The Department of Animal Health and Management encompasses in developing high quality, relevant, focused research that appreciates the importance of novel throughputs intended for the welfare of animals.

Thrust areas:
  1. Biomaterials and Biotechnology in Animal Health
  2. Phage Therapy
  3. Alternative Medicine for Disease Control and Prevention
  4. Vermiculture Technology
  5. Pharmacognosy
  6. Molecular Cancer Biology
Ongoing Research Projects
S. No Principal Investigator Project title Period Funding Agency Total Grant (Rs. In Lakh)
1 Dr. B. Vaseeharan Production of plant based nanogel for diabetic wound healing activity 2023 - 2024 RUSA 2.0 Alagappa University - EIC Hub 2.00
2 Dr.N.M.Prabhu Standardization of isolation techniques for commercial production of fucoidan and investigation of their biological activity 2023 - 2024 RUSA 2.0 Alagappa University - EIC Hub 12.00
3 Dr.N.M.Prabhu Formulation of seaweed base instant soup mixture for human consumption 2023 - 2024 RUSA 2.0 Alagappa University - EIC Hub 2.00
4 Dr.N.M.Prabhu Finfish species specific biofloc formulation for aquaculture application 2023 - 2024 RUSA 2.0 Alagappa University - EIC Hub 2.00
5 Dr.V.Nithya Diversification of dairy farming in rural areas of Tamil Nadu by promoting sustainable value-added products of Polyunsaturated fatty acids from cow milk 2023 - 2024 RUSA 2.0 Alagappa University - EIC Hub 1.87
6 Dr.P.Kumar Development of Silica based nanotheranostics system. 2023 - 2024 RUSA 2.0 Alagappa University - EIC Hub 5.12
Completed Research Projects
S. No Principal Investigator Project title Period Funding Agency Total Grant (Rs. In Lakh)
1 Dr. B. Vaseeharan Production of plant based nanogel for diabetic wound healing activity 2023 - 2024 RUSA 2.0 Alagappa University - EIC Hub 2.00
1 Dr. B. Vaseeharan Genome characterization and mRNA transcript analysis of novel immune related genes α 2 macroglobulin and serine proteinase from Fenneropenaeus indicus. 2009-2012 Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi, India 22.83
2 Dr. B. Vaseeharan Molecular cloning and characterization of novel gene lipopolysaccharide- and β-1, 3-glucan binding protein (LGBP) from Fenneropenaeus indicus and its mRNA transcript analysis 2009-2012 Department of Science & Technology (DST) FAST TRACK, New Delhi, India 15.63
3 Dr. B. Vaseeharan Molecular characterization of indigenous and exotic probiotic strains and its effective treatment on bacterial diseases in aquaculture 2009-2012 University Grant Commission (UGC) - New Delhi, India 9.46
4 Dr. B. Vaseeharan Silencing key virulence proteins in the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica: development of a novel control strategy 2010-2012 AURF-Indo – Queen University of Belfast, UK 6.00
5 Dr. B. Vaseeharan Ultrastructural histochemical and epidemiological studies on amphistomes in India and Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. 2010-2012 AURF-Indo – Queen University of Belfast, UK 6.00
6 Dr. B. Vaseeharan Antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles (Ag-Nps) against pathogenic Vibrio spp. isolated from aquaculture environments” 2010-2012 Department of Science & Technology (DST), New Delhi, India &National Science Council, Taiwan 9.00
7 Dr. B. Vaseeharan Silencing key virulence proteins in the liver fluke, Fasciola gigantica: development of a novel control strategy. 2011-2013 Indo-Ireland Project. DST New Delhi, India - Queen University of Belfast, UK 6.40
8 Dr. B. Vaseeharan cDNA cloning mRNA transcript and functional analysis of novel immune related genes prophenoloxidase and peroxinectin from Indian white shrimp Fenneropeneaus indicus 2012-2015 Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) New Delhi, India 22.00
9 Dr. N. M. Prabhu Zoonotic disease survey in livestock and poultry animals in Sivagangai and Ramanathapuram district 2010-2011 AURF Project 0.64
10 Dr. N. M. Prabhu Isolation and characterization of potential probiotic strains for successful treatment of bacterial disease in Cyprinuscarpio, Osteoglossumbichirrossum and Cichlasoma spp. 2011-2015 University Grant Commission (UGC)- New Delhi, India 10.7
11 Dr. B. Vaseeharan Purification, characterization, functional analysis and structural elucidation of pattern recognition molecule β-1, 3-glucan binding protein and antimicrobial peptides from crustaceans 2015-2018 Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi, India 58.00
12 Dr. P. Kumar Role of Aaptamine-Conjugated Gold Nanorods in Mitochondrial Dysfunction of Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines (PI) 2017-2019 University Grant Commission (UGC)- New Delhi, India 10.00
13 Dr. P. Kumar Molecular insights of platinum conjugated doxorubicin theranostic system targeting apoptosis-mediated genomic instability in breast cancer cell line(s) (PI) 2017-2020 Department of Science and Technology (DST) - SERB New Delhi, India 21.80
14 Dr. P. Kumar Development of surface-charge impregnated plasmonic gold nanoprobes for enhanced photodynamic therapy and mitochondrial dysfunction in human breast cancer cell line(s). 2018-2021 Department of Science and Technology (DST) - SERB New Delhi, India 36.21
15 Dr. B. Vaseeharan Biomaterials and biotechnology in Animal Health 2018 - 2020 RUSA 2.0, Alagappa University – Phase I 4.50
16 Dr. E. Kannapiran Marine Metabolites from Coral Reef Associated Antinobacteria for Human and Animal Application 2018 - 2020 RUSA 2.0, Alagappa University – Phase I 4.50
17 Dr. P. Srinivasan Characterisation of Vibrio phage from aquatic environs (Phage Therapy) 2018 - 2020 RUSA 2.0, Alagappa University – Phase I 4.50
18 Dr. N. M. Prabhu Isolation of therapeutic potential sulfated polysaccharides from marine macroalgae for Human and Animal Health 2018 - 2020 RUSA 2.0, Alagappa University – Phase I 4.50
19 Dr. M. Biruntha Fungicidal activity of Humic and Fulvic acid fraction isolated from the vermiproduct against human pathogen Malassezia species 2018 – 2020 RUSA 2.0, Alagappa University – Phase I 4.50
20 Dr. V. Nithya Inhibitory cytotoxic effect of Indigenous Cow ark with Herbal bioenhancer against hepatic Cancer cells. 2018 - 2020 RUSA 2.0, Alagappa University – Phase I 4.50
21 Dr. P. Kumar Development of evidence-based nanomedicines targeting human breast cancer cell line(s). 2018 - 2020 RUSA 2.0, Alagappa University – Phase I 4.50
22 Dr. S. Subeena Begum Immunostimalatory activity of Cassia auriculata in selected fresh water fish 2018 - 2020 RUSA 2.0, Alagappa University – Phase I 4.50
22 Dr.B.Vaseeharan Evaluation and commercialization of collagen based ZnO curcumin incorporated smart wound dressing device for wound healing 2022 - 2023 RUSA 2.0 Alagappa University – Phase -II 4.31
23 Dr.P.Srinivasan Characterization of vibrio phage from aquatic environs(Phage therapy) 2022 - 2023 RUSA 2.0 Alagappa University – Phase -II 4.31
24 Dr.N.M.Prabhu Isolation of therapeutic potential sulfated polysaccharides from marine macroalgae for Human and Animal Health 2022 - 2023 RUSA 2.0 Alagappa University – Phase -II 4.31
25 Dr.M.Biruntha Fungicidal activity of Humic and Fulvic acid fraction isolated from the vermiproduct against human pathogen Malassezia species 2022 - 2023 RUSA 2.0 Alagappa University – Phase -II 4.31
26 Dr.V.Nithya Cytotoxic Effects of Indigenous Cow ark with Herbal Bioenhancer on Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2022 - 2023 RUSA 2.0 Alagappa University – Phase -II 4.31
27 Dr.P.Kumar Development of evidence – based nanomedicine targeting human breast cancer cell line(s). 2022 - 2023 RUSA 2.0 Alagappa University – Phase -II 4.31
Details of MoU
Sl.No Description Numbers
1 National MOUs 1
2 International MOUs 8
3 Total No. of MOU 9
National MoUs
Sl.No Name of the Institute Date of Execution
1 National College, Tiruchirappalli 05-05-2026
International MoUs
Sl.No Name of the Institute Date of Execution
1 ACE International Private Limited, Singapore 25-08-2028
2 National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan 22-08-2028
3 Mahidol University, Thailand 11-01-2028
4 Chonnam National University, Korea 01-07-2024
5 King Saud University, Saudi Arabia 03-02-2024
6 National Institute of Health, USA 05-09-2021
7 Institute of Experimental Medicine, CZECH Republic 05-09-2021
8 University of Manchester, UK 05-09-2021
M.Sc., Zoology (2021-2023)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Abinaya N 2021509001 2023
2 Abitha M 2021509002 2023
3 Abitha P 2021509003 2023
4 Akash Prabu R 2021509004 2023
5 Ananthasanjay S 2021509005 2023
6 Anitha B 2021509006 2023
7 Arthi N 2021509007 2023
8 Bhavani N 2021509008 2023
9 Devi M 2021509009 2023
10 Esklin Arockiamary.A 2021509010 2023
11 Karuppasamy P 2021509011 2023
12 Kaveri M 2021509012 2023
13 Logesh S 2021509013 2023
14 Manikandan R K 2021509014 2023
15 Mohanapriya M 2021509015 2023
16 Muthuraman R 2021509016 2023
17 Nithya C 2021509017 2023
18 Prakash K 2021509018 2023
19 Priyadharshini G S 2021509019 2023
20 Santhapriya P 2021509020 2023
21 Santhosh Vincent K 2021509021 2023
22 Sarashwathi M 2021509022 2023
23 Sasikala R 2021509023 2023
24 Soniya B 2021509024 2023
25 Tamilthai A 2021509025 2023
26 Vinothkumar M 2021509026 2023
M.Sc., Zoology (2020-2022)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Anbuselvi.U 2012509001 2014
2 Aathimoolam.N 2020509001 2022
3 Ajithkumar.G 2020509002 2022
4 Anitha 2020509003 2022
5 Charumeena.K 2020509004 2022
6 Dhanalakshmi.M 2020509005 2022
7 Divya.R 2020509006 2022
8 Guansowmiya.V 2020509007 2022
9 Ishwarya.M 2020509008 2022
10 Katheja Basheera.B 2020509009 2022
11 Lakshmi.A 2020509010 2022
12 Mahalakshmi.M 2020509011 2022
13 Mohana.S.A. 2020509012 2022
14 Namachivayam.S 2020509013 2022
15 Nithya.R 2020509014 2022
16 Nithya.S 2020509015 2022
17 Nivedha.N 2020509016 2022
18 Parthasarathy.Y 2020509017 2022
19 Prakash Raj.G 2020509018 2022
20 Praveena.S 2020509019 2022
21 Priya Dharshan.R 2020509020 2022
22 Priyadharshini.P 2020509021 2022
23 Pushpa.A 2020509022 2022
24 Ranjitha.K 2020509023 2022
25 Roselin Jency.J 2020509024 2022
26 Santhiya.S 2020509026 2022
27 Solai Priya.Sp 2020509027 2022
28 Sowmiya.K 2020509028 2022
29 Susila.M 2020509029 2022
30 Vaijeyanthi.J 2020509030 2022
31 Vijay.K 2020509031 2022
M.Sc., Zoology (2019-2021)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Anbuselvi.U 2012509001 2014
2 Banu Priya.K 2019509001 2021
3 Bhuvaneshwari.B 2019509002 2021
4 Chandrika Devi.S 2019509003 2021
5 Daewoo Jayakumar 2019509004 2021
6 Deepika Sri.E 2019509005 2021
7 Dharma.M 2019509006 2021
8 Elakkiya.S 2019509007 2021
9 Ganga Jothi.K 2019509008 2021
10 Gogula Lalitha.C 2019509009 2021
11 Jayalakshmi.A 2019509010 2021
12 Jayasudha.S 2019509011 2021
13 Jenarthanan.M.V 2019509012 2021
14 Kalimuthu.M 2019509013 2021
15 Leo Princy.S.R 2019509014 2021
16 Madhumalar.D 2019509015 2021
17 Mahalakshmi.G 2019509016 2021
18 Nivetha.K 2019509017 2021
19 Poongodi.R 2019509018 2021
20 Priyanka.C 2019509019 2021
21 Ramya.M 2019509020 2021
22 Renisha.L 2019509021 2021
23 Sandhiya.S 2019509022 2021
24 Sangameshwari.P 2019509023 2021
25 Sannasi Manikandan.K 2019509024 2021
26 Sivamani.C 2019509025 2021
27 Solaichi.S 2019509026 2021
28 Soundarya.V 2019509027 2021
29 Vigneshwari.K 2019509028 2021
30 Vincelin Aarthi.V 2019509029 2021
31 Vinitha.V 2019509030 2021
M.Sc., Zoology (2018-2020)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Abinaya.M 2018509001 2020
2 Amsapavithra.M 2018509002 2020
3 Annapoorani.K 2018509003 2020
4 Chandra.S 2018509004 2020
5 Durka Devi.G 2018509005 2020
6 Jeeyameenakshi.A 2018509006 2020
7 Jeyasurya 2018509007 2020
8 Karthika.V 2018509008 2020
9 Keerthiga.S 2018509009 2020
10 Madhumitha.C.T 2018509010 2020
11 Muthumeena.C 2018509011 2020
12 Rishma.J 2018509012 2020
13 Rugmadevi.S 2018509013 2020
14 Sathya.V 2018509014 2020
15 Soundarya.S 2018509015 2020
16 Subadharshini.M 2018509016 2020
17 Thirunageswaran.P 2018509017 2020
18 Vigneswari.G 2018509018 2020
M.Sc., Zoology (2017-2019)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Abana Parveen .P 2017509001 2019
2 Abirami .P 2017509002 2019
3 Alageshwari .K 2017509003 2019
4 Anitha. S 2017509004 2019
5 Banu. S 2017509005 2019
6 Bavani.S 2017509006 2019
7 Durga Devi. S 2017509007 2019
8 Elakkiya .R 2017509008 2019
9 Ezilarasu. G 2017509009 2019
10 Gunasundari .C 2017509010 2019
11 Kanagaraj .S 2017509011 2019
12 Kavisri.V 2017509012 2019
13 Kavitha .M 2017509013 2019
14 Keerthana .D 2017509014 2019
15 Keerthana .R 2017509015 2019
16 Margrate .A 2017509016 2019
17 Maria Reyoniya .V 2017509017 2019
18 Meenal .N 2017509018 2019
19 Meenalochini .S 2017509019 2019
20 Naveen. D 2017509021 2019
21 Neelvizhi .M 2017509022 2019
22 Pandimeena .M 2017509023 2019
23 Parvathi .K 2017509024 2019
24 Prabhu Devi.M 2017509025 2019
25 Sangeetha .D 2017509026 2019
26 Sivagami .M 2017509027 2019
27 Uma .C 2017509028 2019
M.Sc., Zoology (2016-2018)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Achudhan.D 2016509001 2018
2 Ajith.G 2016509002 2018
3 Anitha.A 2016509003 2018
4 Backiya Lakshmi.M 2016509004 2018
5 Gowtham. R 2016509005 2018
6 Kavipriya. S 2016509006 2018
7 Kavitha. K 2016509007 2018
8 Manisha. M 2016509008 2018
9 Manogowri. K 2016509009 2018
10 Muthumari. S 2016509010 2018
11 Nithyananthagowtham.M 2016509011 2018
12 Pavithra. R 2016509012 2018
13 Priyanga. S 2016509013 2018
14 Sangeetha. P 2016509014 2018
15 Saranya. G 2016509015 2018
16 Sivaranjani. S 2016509016 2018
17 Thavasuraj.S 2016509017 2018
M.Sc., Zoology (2015-2017)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Amala.M 2015509001 2017
2 Chinniah.S 2015509002 2017
3 Dhinakaran.B 2015509003 2017
4 Gokila.M 2015509004 2017
5 Karthik.S 2015509005 2017
6 Karthika.S 2015509006 2017
7 Lalitha.P 2015509007 2017
8 Madhubala.C 2015509008 2017
9 Muthulakshmi.S 2015509009 2017
10 Muthumeenal.M 2015509010 2017
11 Nadar Vinita Manimaran 2015509011 2017
12 Parthasarathi.A 2015509012 2017
13 Sakthivel.A 2015509013 2017
14 Sangeetha.T 2015509014 2017
15 Saranya.M 2015509015 2017
16 Vignesh.R 2015509016 2017
17 Vinitha.V 2015509017 2017
18 Vinotha.V 2015509018 2017
M.Sc., Zoology (2014-2016)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Abinaya.M 2014509001 2016
2 Divya.M 2014509002 2016
3 Elackiya.M 2014509003 2016
4 Mahadevi.K 2014509004 2016
5 Mahalakshmi.M 2014509005 2016
6 Partha Sarathy.P 2014509007 2016
7 Pratheepa.T 2014509008 2016
8 Ramya.C 2014509010 2016
9 Ranjitha.R 2014509011 2016
10 Selvendran.K 2014509012 2016
11 Sivagamasundari Devi.T 2014509013 2016
12 Suganya.S 2014509014 2016
13 Thillai Eswari.M 2014509015 2016
14 Vijayalakshmi.U 2014509016 2016
15 Vinetha.C 2014509017 2016
16 Vinotha.M 2014509018 2016
M.Sc., Zoology (2013-2015)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 T.Anbarasi 2013509001 2015
2 A.Anthoni Jenifer 2013509002 2015
3 M.Arockia Soniya 2013509003 2015
4 R.Athisakthiraj 2013509004 2015
5 P.Chitra 2013509005 2015
6 K.Dhanalakshmi 2013509006 2015
7 T.Indhumathi 2013509007 2015
8 M.Manikandakrishnan 2013509009 2015
9 P.Manohari 2013509010 2015
10 A.Muthamil Selvi 2013509011 2015
11 V.Prithailashree 2013509012 2015
12 R.Rakeshvarma 2013509014 2015
13 S.Ramarajan 2013509015 2015
14 S.Sarojini Priya 2013509016 2015
15 M.Senthilkumar 2013509017 2015
16 M. Shobiya 2013509018 2015
17 S.Sivakami 2013509019 2015
18 P.Suganya 2013509020 2015
19 P.Suganya 2013509021 2015
20 S.Thangal 2013509022 2015
21 M.Thenmozhi 2013509023 2015
22 M.Vinosha 2013509024 2015
M.Sc., Zoology (2012-2014)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Anbuselvi.U 2012509001 2014
2 Anusha.N 2012509002 2014
3 Bharathi.M 2012509003 2014
4 Geetha.R 2012509004 2014
5 Girija.V 2012509005 2014
6 Gowthami.M 2012509006 2014
7 Kaleeswari.P 2012509007 2014
8 Kasthuri.P 2012509008 2014
9 Kavipriya.M 2012509009 2014
10 Kavitha.P 2012509010 2014
11 Manonmani.M 2012509011 2014
12 Nagalakshmi.P 2012509012 2014
13 Pandiselvi. K 2012509013 2014
14 Ponnalagu.S 2012509014 2014
15 Rajeswari.C 2012509015 2014
16 Selvakumar. Sm 2012509016 2014
17 M. Subbulakshmi 2012509017 2014
18 Subha.P 2012509018 2014
19 Suganya. M 2012509019 2014
20 Thenmozhi. C 2012509020 2014
21 Yazhilinijeya .M 2012509021 2014
M.Sc., Zoology (2011-2013)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Anjugam.M 2011509001 2013
2 Deepa.O 2011509002 2013
3 Elakkia.P 2011509003 2013
4 Gowri Manohari.R 2011509004 2013
5 Ishwarya.R 2011509005 2013
6 Ithaya Celine.A 2011509006 2013
7 Maheswari.P 2011509007 2013
8 Mathew Deepak.L 2011509008 2013
9 Mayuri.M 2011509009 2013
10 Muthulakshmi.P 2011509010 2013
11 Nirosha.R 2011509011 2013
12 Rajathi.V 2011509012 2013
13 Reka.M 2011509013 2013
14 Seethalakshmi.M 2011509014 2013
15 Shanthamani.J 2011509015 2013
16 Shanthi.M 2011509016 2013
17 Sudha.G 2011509017 2013
18 Vijayakumar.S 2011509018 2013
19 Vanimuthu.K 2011509019 2013
20 Yasmine Begam.A 2011509020 2013
M.Phil., Zoology (2022-2023)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 K. Sannasi Manikandan 2022519001 2023
M.Phil., Zoology (2020-2021)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 S. Janani 2021519001 2021
2 S. Solaichi 2021519002 2021
M.Phil., Zoology (2019-2020)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 K.Kayalvizhi 2019519001 2020
2 D.Sangeetha 2019519002 2020
M.Phil., Zoology (2018-2019)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 J.Kamalaveni 2018519001 2019
2 R.Pavalakodi 2018519002 2019
M.Phil., Zoology (2017-2018)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Bavani.M 2017519001 2018
2 Seyathu Rabiya.A 2017519002 2018
3 Sangeetha.T 2017519003 2018
4 Vinitha.V 2017519004 2018
M.Phil., Zoology (2016-2017)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Elackiya.M 2016519001 2017
2 Kalaivani.S 2016519002 2017
3 Mahalakshmi.M 20165190003 2017
4 Ranjitha.R 2016519004 2017
4 Sagunthala.G 2016519005 2017
4 Suganya.S 2016519006 2017
M.Phil., Zoology (2015-2016)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Manikandakrishnan.M 2015519001 2016
2 Manimozhian.G 2015519002 2016
3 Prithailashree.V 2015519003 2016
4 Suganya.P 2015519004 2016
5 Sumithra.K 2015519005 2016
6 Thangal.S 2015519006 2016
7 Thangapandian.M 2015519007 2016
8 Thenmozhi.C 2015519008 2016
9 Thenmozhi.M 2015519009 2016
10 Vinosha.M 2015519010 2016
M.Phil., Zoology (2014-2015)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Girija.V 2014519001 2015
2 Gopi @ Koil Pitchai.N 2014519002 2015
3 Subbulakshmi.M 2014519003 2015
M.Phil., Zoology (2013-2014)
S.No Name Of The Student Registration No. Year of Completion
1 Anjali.R 2013519001 2014
2 Anjugam.M 2013519002 2014
3 Deepa.O 2013519003 2014
4 Ishwarya.R 2013519004 2014
5 Muthulakshmi.P 2013519005 2014
6 Vani Muthu.K 2013519006 2014
Ph.D., Animal Health and Management
S.No Name Of The Student Research Supervisor Year of Completion
1 Shanthi. S Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2014
2 Sivakamavalli. J Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2014
3 Vinoj. G Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2014
4 Rajakumaran. P Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2014
5 David Jeyaselan. B Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2014
6 Esakkirajan.M Dr. N. M. Prabhu 2015
7 Nisha. R. G Dr. N. M. Prabhu 2016
8 Devi.K Dr. N. M. Prabhu 2016
9 Manju.M Dr. N. M. Prabhu 2016
10 Latha.M Dr. N. M. Prabhu 2016
11 S. Palanisamy Dr. N. M. Prabhu 2017
12 B. Banumathi Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2019
13 S. Rajasekar Dr. N. M. Prabhu 2021
14 R. Anjali Dr. N. M. Prabhu 2022
15 B. Babu Dr. N. M. Prabhu 2023
Ph.D., Zoology
S.No Name Of The Student Research Supervisor Year of Completion
1 S. Vijayakumar Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2019
2 M. Anjugam Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2020
3 R. Ishwarya Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2020
4 N. Gopi @ Koilpitchai Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2020
15 A. Iswarya Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2021
5 S. Jayanthi Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2021
6 R. Rekha Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2022
7 M. Abinaya Dr. B. Vaseeharan 2022
8 K. Madhuri Dr. E. Kannapiran 2022
9 M. Divya Dr. E. Kannapiran 2022
10 V. Vinotha Dr. P. Kumar 2023
11 M. Vinosha Dr. N. M. Prabhu 2023
12 M. Manikandakrishnan Dr. N. M. Prabhu 2023
13 S. Thavasuraj Dr. V. Nithya 2023
14 D. Divya Dr. E. Kannapiran 2023
Student Council
Academic Year: 2023-2024
S.No Name Of The Student Class / Year Position
1 N. Manikandan Ph. D President
2 R. B. Gopikaa II M. Sc Zoology Vice President
3 R. Ragasudha I M.Sc Zoology Secretary
4 KR. Sangeetha I M.Sc Zoology Joint Secretary
5 R. Ishwarya I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
6 Shamna P Puthiyottil I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
7 K. Praneeshbala I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
Academic Year: 2022-2023
S.No Name Of The Student Class / Year Position
1 S. Jeneeta Ph. D President
2 A.Tamithai II M. Sc Zoology Vice President
3 S. Ramanathan I M.Sc Zoology Secretary
4 M. Musthafa Kamal I M.Sc Zoology Joint Secretary
5 S. Rajeshwari I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
6 M. Kabila I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
7 M. Jeyapandi I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
Academic Year: 2021-2022
S.No Name Of The Student Class / Year Position
1 S. Jeneeta Ph. D President
1 SitalKhandelwal Ph. D President
2 G.Prakash Raj II M. Sc Zoology Vice President
3 B.Soniya I M.Sc Zoology Secretary
4 K.Santhosh Vincent I M.Sc Zoology Joint Secretary
5 G.S.Priyardhisini I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
6 N.Aarthi I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
7 P.Karuppasamy I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
Academic Year: 2020-2021
S.No Name Of The Student Class / Year Position
1 A.M.Sibiya Ph. D President
2 M. V. Jenarthanan II M. Sc Zoology Vice President
3 S. Namachivayam I M.Sc Zoology Secretary
4 N. Aathimoolam I M.Sc Zoology Joint Secretary
5 M. Susila I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
6 K. Vijay I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
7 SP. Solaipriya I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
Academic Year: 2019-2020
S.No Name Of The Student Class / Year Position
1 S. Durgadevi Ph. D President
2 C. Muthumeena II M. Sc Zoology Vice President
3 E. Deepika Sri I M.Sc Zoology Secretary
4 L. Renisha I M.Sc Zoology Joint Secretary
5 C. Sivamani I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
6 M. Dharma I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
7 S. Elakkiya I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
Academic Year: 2018-2019
S.No Name Of The Student Class / Year Position
1 K. Kavitha Ph. D President
2 G. Ezhilarasu II M. Sc Zoology Vice President
3 M. Subhadharshini I M.Sc Zoology Secretary
4 C. Muthumena I M.Sc Zoology Joint Secretary
5 G. Durgadevi I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
6 S. Soundarya I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
7 M. Abinaya I M.Sc Zoology EC Member
Events (2023-2024)
Farewell Celebration (M.Sc. 2021-23) on 21.04.2023
Swachhata Pakhwada – 2023 Waste to Vermiculture demonstration
Unity Pledge on 15.09.2023
Village Placement Programme – 2023-24 between 27.10.2023 - 29.10.2023
Placement awareness Programme on 07.12.2023
Pongal celebration on 12.01.2024
Programme: Ph.D
Sl.No Scholars Name Month & Year Completi on Name of the Organization / Institution Position
1 S. PALANISAMY 2017 East Coast Life Sciences Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea, 210-720 Research Professor
2 S. VIJAYAKUMAR 2019 Marine College, Shandong University. Weihai P.R.China-264209 Post doctoral research fellow
3 M. ANJUGAM 2020 Department of Marine Science, Bharathidasan University, Trichy-24 National Post Doctoral Fellowship
4 R. ISHWARYA 2020 Mandapam Regional Centre, ICAR—Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Mandapam, Tamil Nadu, India Post-Doctoral Fellow
5 N. GOPI @ KOILPITCHAI 2020 Environmental Nanoscience Laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata, Mohanpur, West Bengal 741246, India Post-Doctoral Fellow
6 A. ISWARYA 2021 Department of Poultry and Aquaculture, Agricultural Research Organization, 7528809 Rishon, Letziyon, Israel Post-Doctoral Fellow




Department of

Zoology,Alagappa Arts and Science College,Karaikudi

Assistant Professor




BioMe Live Analytical Centre College Road, Karaikudi

Research Scientist (Microbiology)




BioMe Live Analytical Centre College Road, Karaikudi.

Research Scientist (Zoology)




Department of

Zoology,Alagappa Arts and Science College,Karaikudi

Assistant Professor

Programme: M.Phil.
Sl.No Students Name Period of Study Name of the Organization / Institution Position
1 KAYALVIZHI K 2019 Department of Zoology,Sribharathi Arts and Science College,Kaikuruchi,Pudukkottai Assistant Professor
2 SANGEETHA D 2019 Koviloor Andavar Matric Higher Secondary School, Koviloor Teacher
3 S. SOLAICHI 2021 Department of Zoology,Alagappa Arts and Science College,Karaikudi Assistant Professor
Programme: M.Phil.
Sl.No Students Name Period of Study Name of the Organization / Institution Position
1 AMSAPAVITHRA.M 2018 Pro 1 health system pvt ltdTEK MEADOWS, OMR, Elcot Sez, Scholinganallur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600119 Senior Exceutive - Coding Service
2 ANNAPOORANI.K 2018 DIAS CONTAINER LINES,No.111/54,Room, No.1,2nd floor,Linghi chetty street,Chennai Documentation Executive
3 MADHUMITHA.C.T 2018 Coditech Software SolutionsF- 83, Profit Centre, Gate No. 1, Near Pizza Hut, Mahavir Nagar, Kandivali, Mumbai - 400067 Jr-Executive- coding service
4 BHUVANESHWARI.S 2019 Foxconn Hon Hai Technology India Mega Devalopment Private Limited Operator
5 DHARMA.M 2019 Sree Annapoorna Sree Gowrishankar Hotel Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore. Sweet Stall Incharge
6 GANGA JOTHI.K 2019 Jio Network Assistant
7 JENARTHANAN.M.V 2019 Adani Green Energy Tamil Nadu Ltd,Kamuthi Public Relationship Officer
8 MADHUMALAR.D 2019 Alagappa Model Higher Secondary School, Karaikudi Teacher
9 RENISHA.L 2019 Beautician, beauty parlour Entrepreneur
10 SANGAMESHWARI.P 2019 Address - RMZ Software Park,Pvt Ltd. One Paramount, No-110, Mount Poonamallee Rd, Porur, Chennai, Process associate
11 VINITHA.V 2019 Infant jesus matric Hr.sec.School, Devakottai Teacher
12 DHANALAKSHMI.M 2020 Vaniga Vaisiya SangaHigh School, Sankarankovil, Tankasi Teacher
13 DIVYA.R 2020 Omega Health Care Chennai, Perungudi. Medical coder
14 GUANSOWMIYA.V 2020 Telemarketing, Justdial, Chennai. Telemarketer
15 MAHALAKSHMI.M 2020 Tamilnadu Fisheries and Fishers welfare Pudukkottai,Manamelkudi Sagar Mithra
16 NITHYA.R 2020 Sree Chinnapan Vidhya Metriculationand Higher Secondary School, Devakottai Biology Teacher
17 NIVEDHA.N 2020 State Bank of India, Puliyal Branch - 630 312,Karaikudi Assistant
18 PRIYADHARSHINI.P 2020 Omega Health Care, Medical Coding, Trichy Medical coder
19 ROSELINJENCY.J 2020 Corrohealth, Medical Coding, DLF, Chennai. Medical coder
20 SANTHIYA.S 2020 Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana Sagar Mithra
21 VIJAY.K 2020 Omega Health Care, Medical Coding, Thiruchy Medical coder
22 ABITHA M 2021 Teleperformance global services private limited,Chennai Medical Coder
23 ESKLIN AROCKIAMARY.A 2021 S2M Health Pvt Ltd Covai Tech park, Kovai Thirunagar,Indira Nagar,Civil Aerodrome Post, Nehru nagar West, Coimbatore Medical Coder
24 LOGESH S 2021 SERENDIP SOURCING PRIVATE LIMITER, Coimbatore Quality analyzer
25 PRAKASH K 2021 AGS Health Medical Coder
26 SANTHAPRIYA P 2021 Sash academy of medical coding coimbatore HR
27 SONIYA B 2021 ICMR - RMRCPB ,Port Blair Research fellow
28 TAMILTHAI A 2021 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Constable
29 VINOTHKUMAR M 2021 AGS Health Medical Coder
Magazines / Newsletters
  1. Magazines (2024)
Events & Extension Activities
Sl.No. Content View
1 Cultural Club
2 Curriculum Development Cell
3 Health Camp
4 Invited Lectures
5 Journal Club
6 Parents-Teachers Meet & Alumni Meet
7 Remedial Coaching Club
8 Student Centric Events
9 Women’s Club
10 Village Placement Programme-Vep
11 Department Festivals
12 Tour Committee
Photo Gallery