Department of Geology
About the Department

The Department of Geology was established in the year 2017 to facilitate teaching, learning and research in the thrust areas of geosciences and address critical challenges, particularly in the exploration of natural resources. It is committed to nurturing future Geologists and Geoscientists with a focus on academic excellence and modern industrial techniques. Specialized areas of study include petroleum exploration, geotechnical engineering and mineral exploration. The Department of Geology offers M.Sc., Applied Geology and Ph.D. programmes in Geology. The Department consists of well experienced faculty members with teaching and research expertise in Hydrogeology, Geochemistry, Remote Sensing and GIS. The faculty of the Department collaborate with Industry and have signed MoU with MR Geological Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and Q-Gate InfoTech Pvt. Ltd. The staff members completed 2 major and 1 minor projects with financial assistance from various funding agencies. The faculty members and scholars have published more than 60 research articles in reputed journals and contributed to book chapters. The department produced 141 postgraduates, 5 M. Phils and 1 Ph.D. Presently, 6 Ph.D. scholars are pursuing their research.

  1. To create highly competent professionals in Geology who contribute to the academia and industry by undertaking innovative research, making inventions and developing new technology.
  2. To collaborate with Western Universities and utilise the experience and expertise of international subject experts for the progress of students.
  1. To frame the curriculum by according significance to both the necessary conventional spheres and the present industrial requirements.
  2. To ensure the prevalence of learner- centric and research- centric ambience at the department where the students stay abreast of cutting edge developments in the landscape of Geology.
  3. To invite overseas subject experts and make available their intellectual contributions to the betterment of students.

Contact Us
  1. Dr. K. Prabakaran

  2. Assistant Professor and Head i/c
  3. Department of Geology
  4. Alagappa University, Karaikudi – 630003, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr. K. Prabakaran

Assistant Professor & Head i/c



Dr. V. Perumal

Adjunct Faculty


Dr. T. Kongeswaran

Adjunct Faculty


Dr. A. V. Udayanapillai

Adjunct Faculty


Dr. N. Mohammed Nishath

Adjunct Faculty

Programmes on Offer
Sl. No. Programme Level Name of the Programmes Action
1PGM.Sc. Applied Geology
2M.PhilM.Phil., Geology
Value Added Courses
(in PG Programme)

464VAC1 - Field Geology

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464VAC2 - Fuel Geology

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464VAC3 - Meteorology and Climate Change

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464VAC4 - Marine Geology

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464VAC5 - Micropaleontology

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464VAC6 - Geostatistics and GeoinformaticsY

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Fee Structure
S. No. Name of the Programme Fees in INR (for Indian Nationals) for one Year Mode of Study Duration (Years)
1 M.Sc.
Applied Geology
I Year) Rs. 7000.00 Full-time 2 years
II Year) Rs. 5700.00
2 M.Phil.
Rs.10500/- Full-time 1 year
3 Ph.D.
I Year) Rs. 16500.00 Full-time & Part-time Full Time - Min. 3-years Part Time - Min. 4-years
Annual fee from II-year onwards Rs. 7500.00
M.Sc. Applied Geology

Under Graduate degree in Geology

M.Phil. Geology

Post Graduate degree in Applied Geology / Geology / Geoinformatics

Ph.D. Geology

Post Graduate degree in Applied Geology / Geology / Geoinformatics.

Infrastructural Facilities For Teaching And Research
  1. Geological Museum
  2. Departmental Library
  3. Research Laboratory
  4. PG Students Laboratory
  5. Smart Class Room
Experimental Lab Facilities
Instrument Make Purpose of analytical work
Analytical Lab
Hot Air Oven Lab Tech- PITC721 Model- LTHOS3 To dry the Samples and Remove the Moisture content.
Sieve Shaker Deep Vision Grain Size Analysis
Hot Plate 1500 Watts - Main-230A/C To dehydrated the samples
Distillation Unit Glassco- GLWS15DG To prepare the distilled water
Liquid limit apparatus EFFICACY Determine the Moister Content in Soils
Optical (Petrological) Instruments
Paleontological Microscope Model- LM-52-3621 (LYNC) Fossil and Microplastic identification
Petrological Microscope National Scientific Corporation Mineral Identifications
Digital Weighing Balance Wensar- IND/09/08/559 weigh the samples
Research Work in the Sedimentology Lab
Project Work in the Remote Snsing and Gis Lab
Research Work in the Hydrogeology Lab
Geological Museum
Interesting Samples in the Museum
Department Library
Major Research Areas

Geology, the science of our planet, encompasses a vast spectrum of research areas. Here's a glimpse into some of the major subjects that explore the Earth:

  1. Hydrogeology: Delve into the world of groundwater, a vital resource, and understand its movement, distribution, and importance for life on Earth.
  2. Mineralogy: Delve into the fascinating world of minerals, the building blocks of rocks, exploring their composition, formation, and identification.
  3. Petrology: Uncover the secrets locked within rocks – igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic – by studying their formation, composition, and textures.
  4. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy: Learn how layered sedimentary rocks act as Earth's history books, revealing past environments and climates.
  5. Paleontology: Embark on a journey through time alongside paleontologists, who study fossils to reconstruct the history of life on Earth.
  6. Environmental Geology: Address the impact of human activities on our planet, including issues like climate change, pollution, and natural hazards.
  7. Remote sensing: Remote sensing involves using sensors on satellites, aircrafts, or even drones to collect data about Earth from a distance. This data can be in the form of images, capturing details like land cover, vegetation health, or even temperature variations.
  8. GIS (Geographic Information System): GIS acts as a powerful digital tool. It can store, analyze, and visualize all sorts of geographic data, including remote sensing data. Think of it as a map on steroids, allowing you to layer information, identify patterns, and gain deeper insights.
Memorandum of Understanding
S.No Institute/Company Period
National  (Ongoing)
Funded Research Projects
Completed Projects: 02
S.No Agency Period Project Title Budget (Rs. In lakhs)
From To
1 AURF 2016 2018 "Studies on Mineral Resources and Coastal Geomorphology of Rameshwaram Region by using Remote Sensing and GISTechniques" 0.80
2 RUSA (TBRP) 2019 2020 "A Study of Natural Resources and Natural Disaster in Sivagangai District, Tamil Nadu." 6.00
Research Scholars
S.No Registration No Name of the Scholar Full Time / Part Time Status
1 R20162141 Mr.K. SIVAKUMAR Full Time Thesis Submitted
2 R20162397 Mr.A. MURUGANANTHAM Full Time Thesis Submitted
3 R20162398 Ms.S. BANGARUPRIYANGA Full Time Ongoing
4 R20162631 Mr.R. MUTHURAMALINGAM Full Time Ongoing
5 R20162652 Mr. SARAVANAKUMAR Part Time Ongoing
6 R20223083 Mr.S. SATHISH Full Time Ongoing
S. No Details of the Publications Impact Factor
1 Md. SimulBhuyan, LeventBat, VenkatramananSenathipathi, PrabakaranKulandaisamy, SelvamSekar, Sayeed Mahmood BelalHaider, GowharMeraj, Md.TarikulIslam, MrityunjoyKunda, Md. WahidulAlam, LotfiRabaoui. (2024) “A review on sea cucumber (Bengali: SomuddroSosha) as a bioindicator of heavy metal 5.8
2 Mohammad Gholizadeh, Ahmed Shadi, AmmarmaryamAbadi, MahnazNemati, VenkatramananSenapathi, SivakumarKarthikeyan, PrabakaranKulandaisamy. (2024) “Exploring the microplastic pollution: Unveiling origins and varieties in coastal sediments and waters of the Bushehr Province, PersianGulf,Iran”MarinePollutionBulletin, 5.8
3 MurugananthamArumugam, PrabakaranKulandaisamy, SivakumarKarthikeyan, Kongeswaran Thangaraj, VenkatramananSenapathi, Sang Young Chung, SubagunasekarMuthuramalingam, MuthuramalingamRajendran, SathishSugumaran and Siva Manimuthu. (2023) “An Assessment of Geospatial analysis combined with AHP Techniques to Identify Groundwater Potential Zones in the Pudukkottai District, Tamil Nadu, India.”, Water (MDPI), 15, (1101)pp. 1-21. 3.530
4 MurugananthamArumugam, SivakumarKarthikeyan, PrabakaranKulandaisamy, Kongeswaran Thangaraj, VenkatramananSenapathi, BangaruPriyangaSundaram, AgastheeswaranVellaikannu and PerumalVelmayil (2022) “Role of GIS in deciphering hydrogeochemical processes and quality in Pudukottai district, Tamil Nadu, India”, Environmental Earth Sciences (springer), Vol. 81(18) pp.1-22(445). 3.119
5 SivakumarKarthikeyan, PrabakaranKulandaisamy, VenkatramananSenapathi, Sang Yong Chung, Kongeswaran Thangaraj, MurugananthamArumugam, SathishSugumaran, and Sung Ho-Na (2022) “Hydrogeochemical Survey along the Northern Coastal Region of Ramanathapuram District, Tamilnadu, India.” Applied Sciences, Vol. 12(11), pp.1-28 (5595), 2.838
6 SivakumarKarthikeyan, PrabakaranKulandaisamy, Muthusamy S, Kongeswaran Thangaraj, Muruganantham A, Gnanachandrasamy G. (2022) “Agriculture Drought Management in Ramanathapuram District of Tamil Nadu, India.” Journal of Climate Change, (IOS press), Vol 8, (1), pp59-65. 0.6
7 MurugananthamArumugam, SivakumarKarthikeyan, Kongeswaran Thangaraj, PrabakaranKulandaisamy, BangaruPriyangaSundaram, KarikalanRamasamy, AgastheeswaranVellaikannu and PerumalVelmayil (2021) “Hydrogeochemical analysis for Groundwater suitability appraisal in Sivagangai, Economically Backward District of Tamilnadu”, Journal Geological Society of India (springer), Vol.97, pp.789-798. 1.613
8 SivakumarKarthikeyan, ShanmugasundaramArumugam, JayaprakashMuthumanickam, PrabakaranKulandaisamy, Muthusamy Subramanian, Ramachandran Annadurai, VenkatramananSenapathi, SelvamSekar(2021) “Causes of heavy metal contamination in groundwater of Tuticorin industrial block, Tamil Nadu, India” Environmental Science and Pollution Research (springer), Vol.28, pp.18651-18666. 4.223
9 PrabakaranKulandaisamy, SivakumarKarthikeyan&ArunaChockalingam, (2020) “Use of GIS-AHP tools for potable groundwater potential zone investigations—a case study in Vairavanpatti rural area, Tamil Nadu, India” Arabian Journal of Geosciences (springer), Vol.13 (17) Article number: 866 pp.1-15. 1.827
10 Kongeswaran, T., Sivakumar, K., Muruganantham, A., Prabakaran, K., Perumal, V., Agastheeswaran, V.,1 BangaruPriyanga, S. and Muthuramalingam, R. (2023) Hydrogeochemical Evaluation of Groundwater for Drinking and Irrigation Purposes in Avudaiyarkoil Block, Pudukkottai District, Tamil Nadu, India, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, Vol. 20, No. 4 (2023), pp. 69-78. DOI 10.3233/AJW230053. 0.5
11 Kongeswaran.T, Muthuramalingam. R, Sivakumar. K, Venkatramanan. S, Muruganantham. A, BangaruPriyanga.S and Chandramohan. S (2023) Study of Palaeoclimate Reconstruction Using Sediments and Micropaleontology in the Karankadu Estuary, Ramanathapuram District, Tamil Nadu, India, Journal of Climate Change, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 17-29, 2023. DOI: 10.3233/JCC230012. 0.6
12 Premkumar, M., Kongeswaran, T., Sivakumar, K., Muruganantham, A., Muthuramalingam, R., Chandramohan, S., &Vasanthavigar, M. (2022). Spit Evolution and Shoreline Changes Along Manamelkudi Coast Using Geo-Spatial Techniques and Statistical Approach. Journal of Climate Change, 8(2), 59-67. 0.6
13 Kongeswaran T and Sivakumar K (2021) Assessment of Shoreline Positional Uncertainty Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study from East Coast of India, Journal of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic", SASA 2021 Volume 71, Issue 3, Pages: 249-263, 0.32
14 Kongeswaran T and Sivakumar K (2021) Application of remote sensing and GIS in floodwater harvesting for groundwater development in the upper delta of Cauvery River Basin, Southern India, Water Resources Management and Sustainability, Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences, -
15 Kongeswaran T and Karikalan R (2019). Assessment of Shoreline changes between Cuddalore and Nagapattinam coast, East Coast of Tamilnadu, India using Geospatial Techniques, Disaster Advances, Vol.12(2) February (2019), pp 28-36. 0.32
16 Kongeswaran.T, Muthuramalingam. R, Sivakumar. K, Venkatramanan. S, Muruganantham. A, BangaruPriyanga.S and Chandramohan. S (2023) Study of Palaeoclimate Reconstruction Using Sediments and Micropaleontology in the Karankadu Estuary, Ramanathapuram District, Tamil Nadu, India, Journal of Climate Change, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 17-29, 2023. DOI: 10.3233/JCC230012. 0.6
17 Kongeswaran T and Karikalan R (2019). Assessment of Shoreline changes between Cuddalore and Nagapattinam coast, East Coast of Tamilnadu, India using Geospatial Techniques, Disaster Advances, Vol.12(2) February (2019), pp 28-36. 0.32
18 T. Kongeswaran and R. Karikalan (2021). A study on the evolution of Coastal Geomorphology between Rameshwaram and Kilakkarai, East Coast of India, Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences, Vol. 50 (01), January 2021, pp. 67-70. 0.52
19 M. Senthiappan, V. Stephen Pitchaimani, A.V. Udayanapillai, PerumalVelmayil, BangarupriyangaSundaram, G. Ramalingam, and John S. Armstrong-Altrin 2023. Petrography and geochemistry of the Upper Cretaceous Gryphaea Limestones, Kallankurichi Formation, Ariyalur Group, Trichinopoly, Southern India: Implication for palaeoenvironment, Journal Indian Association of Sedimentologists, Vol. 40(2). pp. 14-26, -
20 UdayanapillaiAlagaiahVenu, PerumalVelmayil, John Selvamony Armstrong-Altrin, AlcidesSial, SatyanarayananManavalan (2022). Geochemical and stable isotope (δ13C & δ18O) signatures of Calcrete in and around Pandalgudi, Southern Tamilnadu, India and its implications on Palaeoclimate. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15(913): 1-19. 1.8
21 PerumalVelmayil, UdayanapillaiAlagaiahVenu, Kuttalingam U, BangarupriyangaSundaram (2022). Hydro-geochemical studies of Groundwater in Sathankulam region, Southern Tamilnadu, India, journal of Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 3.00
22 Udayanapillai A.V and PerumalVelmayil (2021). Texture, mineralogy and geochemistry of Teri sediments from the Kuthiraimozhi deposit, Southern Tamilnadu, India: implications on provenance, weathering and palaeoclimate, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 14(5), pp.1-15. 1.8
23 PerumalVelmayil and Udayanapillai A.V (2020). Calcrete profiles in Puthukulam quarry section, Sathankulam region, Southern Tamilnadu, India: implications on palaeoclimate significance, Journal of Sedimentary Environments, Vol. 5(4), pp.493-503. 1.3
24 Udayanapillai A.V PerumalVelmayil and John S. Armstrong-Altrin (2020). Provenance, Weathering, Tectonic setting and Palaeo-oxygenation condition of the Cretaceous Calcareous Grey Shale (CGS) from the KallakudiDalmia Limestone Quarry No:II, Uttatur group, Trichinopoly, Tamilnadu, India. Himalayan Geology, Vol. 41 (1), pp. 11-20. 1.2
25 PerumalVelmayil and Udayanapillai A.V (2019). Micromorphology and major element geochemistry of calcretes in the Thoppukulam mine section, Sathankulam region, Southern Tamil Nadu, India: implications on depositional environment. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 12(385), pp.1-12. 1.8
Book Chapters Published
S. No Title of the Book Title of the Chapter Publisher & Year ISBN
1 Groundwater Contamination in Coastal Aquifers Issues of ground water contamination Elsevier & 2022 9780128243879
Monograph Published
S. No Authors Title of the Monograph Publisher & Year ISBN
1 PERUMAL VELMAYIL AND UDAYANAPILLAI A.V A Study of Archean & Pre-Cambrian to Quaternary age Rocks: Implications on Field, Structral and Mineralogy observation in Pudukottai, South India LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING 978-620-3-92540-1
2 PERUMAL VELMAYIL AND UDAYANAPILLAI A.V Characteristics of Cretaceous Red Soil Scholars' Press Academic Publishing, 978-613-8-97196-2
4 KONGESWARAN THANGARAJ Geomatics in Flood Harvesting and Management in Part of Tiruchirappalli. LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING 978-620-5-49899-6.
5 KONGESWARAN THANGARAJ Coral reef Remote Sensing & GIS in Gulf of Mannar - A Guide of Mapping, Monitoring and Management. Scholars' Press Academic Publishing, 978-613-8-97201-3
6 KONGESWARAN THANGARAJ Coastal Landforms & Shoreline Changes In Point Calimere Coast, India. Scholars' Press Academic Publishing, 978-620-5-52046-8
7 KONGESWARAN THANGARAJ AND PREMKUMAR MANICKAM Spit evolution & Shoreline changes in Manamelkudi, East coast of India. LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING 978-620-5-52543-2
8 KONGESWARAN THANGARAJ Impact of Tsunami on Coastal Landforms in Nagapattinam Coast, India. LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING 978-620-5-52652-1

The Department of Geology has established well-connected Alumni Association which serves as a bridge between the former students and the Department. The Alumni make significant contribution to the vibrant functioning of the department by serving as resource persons for the current students, making financial contribution to the intellectual and infrastructural developments of the department and also by providing guidance to their juniors regarding employment opportunities. The Department of Geology organises Alumni Meeting on a regular basis. Apart from these contributions, Alumni are also actively engaged in the collection of rocks, fossils and minerals which are required for advanced research.

A bank account has been established at the A.C. Campus branch of Indian Bank to gather subscriptions and facilitate financial transactions related to the activities of the Association.

Account Number 7732103221
Account Type Savings Bank Account
Bank and Branch Indian Bank & AC Campus, Karaikudi
IFSC Code IOBA000A008
Ph.D Awardees
S. No. Name of the Candidate Year of the award Research Area Mail Id
1 Mr.Kongeswaran T 2019 Remote Sensing and GIS
M.Phil Awardees
S. No. Name of the Candidate Year of the award Research Area Mail Id
1 Mr. Sathish S 2022 Hydrogeology
2 Mr. Siva M 2022 Hydrogeology
3 Ms. Aruna C 2019 Hydrogeology
4 Ms. Bangarupriyanga S 2019 Sedimentology
5 Mr. Sadhasivam R 2019 Sedimentology
M.Sc. Awardees
S. No. Name of the Course Period of Studied Number of Students View
1 M.Sc., Applied Geology 2017-2019 9
2 M.Sc., Applied Geology 2018-2020 18
3 M.Sc., Applied Geology 2019-2021 25
4 M.Sc., Applied Geology 2020-2022 31
5 M.Sc., Applied Geology 2021-2023 25
Student Council

The Student Council in the Department of Geology is the formal representative body for all students in Geology, dedicated to addressing the challenges of the field and looking after the student’s welfare. Students engage in a diverse range of activities through planned initiatives, including fieldwork, mineral mapping tasks, library collections, invited talks, seminars, workshop and enhancement of the museum. The Student Council also contributes to the development of educational initiatives. Individual members, including the President, Vice Presidents and EC members, have specific responsibilities related to leadership, coordination, feedback collection, event planning, alumni engagement, support for entrepreneurial endeavours and participation in social responsibility. The council's dedicated efforts aim to ensure the holistic development of all students for achieving excellence in their chosen field.

Academic Year: 2023 - 2024
Sl. No. Name of the Student Class / Year Position
1 Nithish Kumar M II- M.Sc. President
2 Mohamed Mahathir U I- M.Sc. Vice – President
3 Veerappan P II- M.Sc. Secretary
4 Sakthi S I- M.Sc. Joint - Secretary
5 Muthuramalingam R Research Scholar E C Member
6 Sathish S Research Scholar E C Member
7 Kalaiselvi M II- M.Sc. E C Member
8 Dharsini P II- M.Sc. E C Member
9 Salini R I- M.Sc. E C Member
Academic Year: 2022 - 2023
Sl. No. Name of the Student Class / Year Position
1 Surendar M II- M.Sc. President
2 Nithish Kumar M I- M.Sc. Vice – President
3 Soundharya RM II- M.Sc. Secretary
4 Aishwarya B I- M.Sc. Joint - Secretary
5 Muthuramalingam. R Research Scholar E C Member
6 Bangarupriyanga S Research Scholar E C Member
7 Syed Musthaq M II- M.Sc. E C Member
8 Veerappan P I- M.Sc. E C Member
9 Dharsini P I- M.Sc. E C Member
Academic Year: 2021 - 2022
Sl. No. Name of the Student Class / Year Position
1 Jenifer Roslin A II- M.Sc. President
2 Surendar M I- M.Sc. Vice – President
3 Abishake S II- M.Sc. Secretary
4 Soundharya RM I- M.Sc. Joint - Secretary
5 Sivakumar K Research Scholar E C Member
6 Muthuramalingam. R Research Scholar E C Member
7 Gokul LM II- M.Sc. E C Member
8 Syed Musthaq M I- M.Sc. E C Member
9 Kaleeswari B I- M.Sc. E C Member
Academic Year: 2020 - 2021
Sl. No. Name of the Student Class / Year Position
1 Premkumar M II- M.Sc. President
2 Jenifer Roslin A I- M.Sc. Vice – President
3 Sathish S II- M.Sc. Secretary
4 Abishake S I- M.Sc. Joint - Secretary
5 Sivakumar K Research Scholar E C Member
6 BangaruPriyanga S Research Scholar E C Member
7 John Vino C II- M.Sc. E C Member
8 Jaganraj S I- M.Sc. E C Member
9 Gokul LM I- M.Sc. E C Member
Academic Year: 2019 - 2020
Sl. No. Name of the Student Class / Year Position
1 Vimalnath B II- M.Sc. President
2 NasrinBanu N I- M.Sc. Vice – President
3 Anand Surya B II- M.Sc. Secretary
4 Abishek Kumar U I- M.Sc. Joint - Secretary
5 Bangarupriyanga S M.Phil E C Member
6 Aruna C M.Phil E C Member
7 Arif. A. Latheef II- M.Sc. E C Member
8 Divakar K I- M.Sc. E C Member
9 Akalya S I- M.Sc. E C Member
Academic Year: 2018 - 2019
Sl. No. Name of the Student Class / Year Position
1 Vimalnath B II- M.Sc. President
2 NasrinBanu N I- M.Sc. Vice – President
3 Anand Surya B II- M.Sc. Secretary
4 Abishek Kumar U I- M.Sc. Joint - Secretary
5 Bangarupriyanga S M.Phil E C Member
6 Aruna C M.Phil E C Member
7 Arif. A. Latheef II- M.Sc. E C Member
8 Divakar K I- M.Sc. E C Member
9 Akalya S I- M.Sc. E C Member

The Department of Geology makes earnest endeavours for the placement of students. It frequently invites the successful professionals in the domain of Geology as resource persons and organises special programmes on employment opportunities in Geology. Further, the faculty impart training to students to excel in competitive examinations conducted at both the State and National levels. Industry experts and high- profile academics who visit the Department for Seminars and Conferences also make the students know the prevailing job opportunities in the academic domain and industrial landscape.

S. No. Name of the Candidate Year of the award Name of the Recruiter with address Designation Employer contact details
1 Dhanalakshmi. K 2023 Cognizant Process Executive Old Mahabalipuram Road, Okkiam Thoraipakkam, Chennai - 600 097
2 Dhayala Prakash. V 2023 Cognizant Process Executive Old Mahabalipuram Road, Okkiam Thoraipakkam, Chennai - 600 098
3 Manosarath. A 2023 Kryptonic technology Data Entry Officer 2, B-1, II, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi, Delhi - 110066.
4 Parthasarathy. C 2023 Novomine india private limited Geologist Shillong, East Khasi Hills, Megalaya
5 Praveena. M 2023 EDR continuous information Pvt. Ltd Team Member-RFDB Nagireddy Thottam, Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Eekkaaduthaangal- Guindy, Chennai
6 Suryaprakash. P 2023 Vmapstech India Private Limited GIS Engineer Vmapstech India Private Limited, Bengaluru-560085, Karnataka
7 Surendar M 2023 Theodesh Consultance, GUJARAT Geotechnical Engineer/ Geologist Theodesh Consultance, GUJARAT
8 Abirami. R 2022 Vmapstech India Private Limited GIS Engineer Vmapstech India Private Limited, Bengaluru-560085, Karnataka
9 Abishek. S 2022 African mechanical superlift limited Trainee Geologist Mechaical Superlift Limited, Africa
10 Amritha. As 2022 Wipro Limited Associate Wipro Limited, Bengaluru, Karnataka
11 Hari Devi. G 2022 EDR continuous information Pvt. Ltd Team Member-RFDB Nagireddy Thottam, Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Eekkaaduthaangal- Guindy, Chennai
12 Hariharan. N 2022 i-process services (india) Pvt. Ltd Sr. Executive Plot No : 313, Udyog Vihar Phase-IV, Gurugram, Haryana-122015
13 Hariharan. O 2022 EDR continuous information Pvt. Ltd Team Member-RFDB Nagireddy Thottam, Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Eekkaaduthaangal- Guindy, Chennai
14 indumathi. A 2022 EDR continuous information Pvt. Ltd Team Member-RFDB Nagireddy Thottam, Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Eekkaaduthaangal- Guindy, Chennai
15 Neha Wilson. S 2022 EDR continuous information Pvt. Ltd Team Member-RFDB Nagireddy Thottam, Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Eekkaaduthaangal- Guindy, Chennai
16 Nithya. D 2022 EDR continuous information Pvt. Ltd Team Member-RFDB Nagireddy Thottam, Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Eekkaaduthaangal- Guindy, Chennai
17 Ruba Dharshini. R 2022 EDR continuous information Pvt. Ltd Team Member-RFDB Nagireddy Thottam, Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Eekkaaduthaangal- Guindy, Chennai
18 Sowmiya. T 2022 EDR continuous information Pvt. Ltd Team Member-RFDB Nagireddy Thottam, Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Eekkaaduthaangal- Guindy, Chennai
19 MuthuMeena K 2022 EDR continuous information Pvt. Ltd Team Member-RFDB Nagireddy Thottam, Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Eekkaaduthaangal- Guindy, Chennai
20 Thasarathan I 2022 EDR continuous information Pvt. Ltd Team Member-RFDB Nagireddy Thottam, Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Eekkaaduthaangal- Guindy, Chennai
21 Varsha Nanthini N 2022 Layer Informatics Pvt. Ltd, BANGALORE LIDAR Engineer Layer Informatics Pvt. Ltd, BANGALORE
22 Jenifer Roslin A 2022 Overseas Cyber Technical Services Pvt. Ltd Busniess Development Associate Overseas Cyber Technical Services Pvt. Ltd
23 Mouli Hariharan R 2022 Oil Field India (OFI) ANDHRA PRADESH Mud Logger Oil Field India (OFI) ANDHRA PRADESH
24 Akash P 2022 Xioami, CHENNAI Store Incharge Xioami, CHENNAI
25 Danish Ramando. D 2021 Congent electomechanical L.L.C HSE Officer Hamad Khamis Al Ghuwais Building, Al Qusais- 233659, Dubai-U.A.E
26 Jafer Ali. S 2021 Arima minerals processing fze QA Inspector Hamriah Free Zone, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
27 Jancyrani. K 2021 i-process services (india) Pvt. Ltd Sr. Executive Plot No : 313, Udyog Vihar Phase-IV, Gurugram, Haryana-122015
28 Johnvino. C 2021 edr continuous information Pvt. Ltd Team Member-RFDB Nagireddy Thottam, Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Eekkaaduthaangal- Guindy, Chennai
29 Naveen. S 2021 icici bank Sales Officer ICICI Bank, Devakottai, Sivagangai District
30 Premkumar. M 2021 Department of Environment (Government) GIS Expert Department of Environment, Tamil Nadu Government
31 Sachin Kumar 2021 khanna & Associates india Geologist B-4/4, II floor, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027
32 Siva. M 2021 Arima minerals & metals private limited Geologist Vellaiah Nadar Street, Keeraikaaranthattu, Thiyasanvalai, Thirunelveli
33 Vishnu. C 2021 Geo Mineral Resources Geologist Teachers Colony, Trichy main road, Puliyur
34 Ram Nandhan Kumar 2020 South west Pinnacle Exploration Limited Geologist South west Pinnacle Exploration Limited, Ground floor, Plot No. 15, Sector- 44, Gurugram- 122003
35 Abishek Kumar 2020 South west Pinnacle Exploration Limited Geologist South west Pinnacle Exploration Limited, Ground floor, Plot No. 15, Sector- 44, Gurugram- 122004
3 6 Sri Ram S 2020 Dream Land Eximania, Logistics, BANGALORE Senior Sales Executive Dream Land Eximania, Logistics, BANGALORE
37 Santhanamoorthy P 2020 Geo Mineral Resources, Puliyur. Supervisor Geo Mineral Resources, Puliyur.
38 Vimalnath B 2019 Phongsubthavy group sole Co. Ltd Geologist Vientiane Head Office- Lao PDR
39 Paranthaman R 2019 TNUSRB Police Constable Grade II Tamil Nadu Uniform Service Recruitment Board
40 Karthik K 2019 TNUSRB Police Constable Grade II Tamil Nadu Uniform Service Recruitment Board
Placement Details of Ph.D. Awardees
S. No. Name of the Candidate Research Supervisor Year Awarded Placement Details
1 Dr.T. Kongeswaran Dr. R. Karikalan 2019 Teaching Assistant, Department of Geology, Alagappa University
Events & Extension Activities

The Department of Geology enthusiastically involves the students in personalized conservatory activities that highlight community welfare, education, and practical skills. Public initiatives encompass conducting awareness campaigns, environmental conservation workshops, and health check-up camps. The department organizes diverse programmes such as science day exhibitions, career guidance sessions, yoga sessions, field survey and mapping, collection of fossils, minerals and rocks. It offers skill development workshops, guest lectures, internships, and student symposiums to provide practical knowledge and industry exposure. These initiatives foster the academic excellence and contribute to the societal and environmental development.

Events & Extension Activities

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