Department of Physics
About the Department

The department of Physics was started in the year 1985. In a short span of time, the Department of Physics has established as Centre of Excellence in research. Since its inception, the Department has strong commitment towards teaching programme at the postgraduate level (M.Sc.) and research programmes at M.Phil. and Ph.D. levels. The department has an excellent library with collection of text books and recent updation in reference materials, sophisticated characterization equipment and NET lab facilities. Thrust area research programmes are being pursued intensively in the Department of Physics, which includes crystal growth of nonlinear, ferroelectric and semiconducting materials, unidirectional growth of organic and inorganic crystals, organic conducting polymers for rechargeable batteries, electrodes for Lithium, Sodium and Sulfur batteries, supercapacitors, Biodiesel synthesis, electrodes for Fuel cells, oxide and semiconductor thin films for smart materials and solar cells, layered compound semiconductors for photo electrochemical solar cells, and MEMS. Many prototype devices have been designed and fabricated from the materials developed in this department.

During the span of 39 years, the Department has published more than 1570 research articles in internationally reputed scientific journals and 1 D.Sc., 140 Ph.D Scholars, 342 M.Phil and 1117 M.Sc., students have graduated. It has organized several international and national meetings in different areas of Physics. Government funding agencies such as DAE, DST, UGC, CSIR, DRDO, AICTE, BRNS etc. have sponsored research projects to the Department and to the faculty members. The faculty of the Department have visited up on special invitations and collaborated with several highly reputed national and international institutions.

Distinguished awards and recognitions at the national and international levels have also been received by the department faculty members. The department is very proud to record that it has been honoured recently with a Vice-Chancellorship to one of the faculty, Prof. G. Ravi and Dr. M. Ravichandran, Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India is our Alumnus. The Department has been sponsored by national level UGC-SAP (DRS Level I, II, III), DST-FIST (Level I and II) and RUSA. So far, the department and faculty members have generated Rs.1243 lakh through various funding agencies which includes Rs.155 lakh from characterization consultancy. The faculty are actively extending their knowledge to small scale industries too. 13 patents are granted and 5 patents are filed by the faculty. A new method of crystal growth (SR Method) has been invented and it has been well recognized at national and international level by publishing 220 research articles utilizing this method from different institutions and about Rs.3.0 crore has been sanctioned through MRPs by the Government of India to several PIs of different institutions. The total Scopus citation of the department is 29052 with h-index of 73, and the Web of Science citation is 26862 with h-index of 68.


  1. To evolve as Centre of Excellence in Materials Science with the aid of meritorious teaching and state of the art research infrastructure and to inspire the young minds to innovate for the development of Science.


  1. To promote inclusiveness and interactive nature in class room teaching to enhance learning and acquiring knowledge by the students.
  2. To nurture the student's creativity and innovative capabilities by extending ample atmosphere and guidance.
  3. To reinforce the problem solving ability of the student towards societal benefits and be competitive with knowledge and industrial skills.

Contact Us
  1. Dr. K. Sankaranarayanan

  2. Senior Professor and Head
  3. Department of Physics
  4. Alagappa University, Karaikudi – 630003, Tamil Nadu, India.

  2. (+91) 4565 223300
  3. (+91) 4565 225202

Dr. G. Ravi

Senior Professor of Physics Assumed as Vice-Chancellor



Dr. K.Sankaranarayanan

Senior Professor and Head



Dr. M. Sivakumar



Dr. N. Anandhan

Associate Professor


Dr. R. Subadevi

Assistant Professor


Dr. M. Ramesh Prabhu

Assistant Professor


Dr. R. Yuvakkumar

Assistant Professor


Dr. S. Sudhahar

Assistant Professor


Mrs. M. Sangeetha Vidhya

Master Technician

Roll of Honors
S.No Photo Staff Name Service
1 Mr.R.Narayanasamy 1985-1987
2 Dr.M.A.Ramakrishnan 1985-1996
3 Dr.R.Sabesan 1987-1999
4 Dr.M.Ramachandran 1985-1999
5 Dr.S.Kalyanasundaram 1985-2002
6 Dr.T.Thenappan 1985-2010
7 Dr.T.Mahalingam 1987-2012
8 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja 1987-2013
9 Dr.S.Rajendran 1988-2015
Programmes on Offer

Sl. No. Programme Level Name of the Programmes Action
1PGM.Sc. Physics
2M.PhilM.Phil., Physics
Fee Structure
Sl. No. Programs Fees in INR (for Indian Nationals) for one Year Mode of Study Duration (Years)
1 M.Sc.
I Year 5400.00 Full-time Two
II Year 3700.00
2 Ph.D.
Firsrt Year 16500.00 Full-time & Part-time Minimum of 2 years with M.Phil. and 3 years with M.Sc
Annual fee from IInd year onwards 7500.00
3 M.Sc.
(DDE mode)
20000.00 Part-time Two
Research Projects
Details of Research Projects
On Going Projects
Sl. No. Name of the Principal Investigator Title of the Project Duration Funding Agency Amount in Lakhs (Rs.)
1 Dr.S.Sudhahar Development of Sno2/Co-Ni double hydroxide (core/shell) nanostructured towards enhanced performance in supercapacitor application 2023-2024 DST - SERB 36.33
2 Dr.K.Sankaranarayanan Bulk Unidirectional Growth of OrganoMetalic Trihalides (MAPbX3,X=Br And CI) Perovskite Single Crystals For High Energy Radiation Detectors 2020-2023 DST - SERB 42.42
3 Dr.G.Ravi Synthesis of metal oxide/carbon nanocomposite materials for evaluating the in-vitro cytotoxicity property against cancer cell lines. 2019-2024 RUSA 10.00
4 Dr.K.Sankaranarayanan Organic crystal cylinders for high energy radiation detectors. 2019-2024 RUSA 10.00
5 Dr.M.Sivakumar Studies on the high performance electrode materials for alternative energy storage devices. 2019-2024 RUSA 10.00
6 Dr.N.Anandhan Rare Earth and Transition Metal Substituted Bismuth Titanate Thin Films For Energy and Sensing Applications. 2019-2024 RUSA 10.00
7 Dr.R.Suba Devi Development of active electrodes for Lithium - Sulfur and Supercapacitors. 2019-2024 RUSA 10.00
8 Dr.M.Ramesh Prabhu Investigations on rare earth doped metal oxides for supercapacitor applications. 2019-2024 RUSA 10.00
9 Dr.R.Yuvakkumar Preparation and optimization of carbon-based nanostructures for energy-storage and conversion applications. 2019-2024 RUSA 10.00
10 Dr.S.Sudhahar Investigation on multi-layered two dimensional materials and their composites based electrodes for the fabrication of high energy density hybrid supercapacitors. 2019-2024 RUSA 10.00
11 Dr.R.Sivakumar Study on the properties of transition metal oxides for electrochromic and gas sensor applications. 2019-2024 RUSA 10.00
Completed Projects
Sl. No. Name of the Principal Investigator Title of the Project Duration Funding Agency Amount in Lakhs (Rs.)
1 Dr.G.Ravi Graphene oxide decorated metal oxide thin films on flexible substrates for high performance electrochromic and super capacitor applications. 2018-2020 DST -EMR 35.53
2 Dr.M.Sivakumar A pursuit of prospective layer / olivine type electrode materials for sodium batteries 2018-2020 DST- EMR 35.25
3 Dr.M.Ramesh Prabhu Synthesis and characterization of speek-perovskite based proton conducting polymer electrolytes for HT-PEMFC 2018-2020 DST- EMR 26.68
4 Dr.N.Anandhan Fabrication and characterization of metalloid absorber introduced TiO2 nanorod thin films for DSSCs applications 2017-2019 AURF 01.00
5 Dr.R.Yuvakkumar Development, characterization and cancer targeting potential of bioinspired magnetite (Fe3O4) nanopowders 2016 - 2018 UGC Start Up Grant 06.00
6 Dr. R. Sivakumar- DDE Studies on diluted magnetic semiconductor thin film prepared by chemical methods 2013 - 2017 UGC, New Delhi 12.44
7 Dr.M.Ramesh Prabhu Investigations on nanofiller incorporated PEMA composite electrolytes for lithium batteries 2013 - 2017 UGC 09.60
8 Dr.M.Sivakumar Studies On Composite Polymer Electrolytes Based On Copolymers For Secondary Lithium Batteries 2012-2015 UGC 11.20
9 Dr.G.Ravi Preparation of ZnO nanostructure thin films by Spin coating Method for Spintronic and Optical Applications 2012-2015 UGC 13.00
10 Dr.S.Rajendran Investigations on Poly (vinylidene chloride-co-acrylonitrile) based polymer electrolyte with Lithium salts and ceramic oxides 2011-2014 UGC 06.10
11 Dr.M.Sivakumar Studies On Conductive Elements Coated LiCoO2 And LiFePO4 Cathode Materials For Lithium Batteries 2011-2012 AURF(Alagappa University Research Fund) 00.64
12 Dr.R.Sivakumar- DDE Preparation and characterization of electrochromic oxide thin films for electrochromic device 2010-2013 Department of Science & Technology (DST) – SERC Fast Track Scheme for Young Scientists, Govt. of India 19.95
13 Dr.M.Sivakumar Synthesis and characterization of vanadium based cathode materials for lithium secondary batteries 2010-2013 DST-NSC (INDO-TAIWAN collaboration project) ~ 26.0 per side
14 Dr.M.Sivakumar Synthesis and Characterization of nano crystalline LiFePO4 cathode materials for lithium battery fabrication by polyol process. 2010-2013 DST-SERC 25.51
15 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja Preparation and characterization of sputtered smart nanomaterials for electrochromic devices. 2010-2012 DST 20.30
16 Dr.M.Sivakumar Studies on conductive elements coated LiCoO2 and LiFePO4 cathode materials for lithium batteries 2010-2011 Alagappa University 00.64
17 Dr.K.Sankaranarayanan Unidirectional Crystallization of Pure and Metal ion doped KDP crystal for SHG application 2010-2011 Alagappa University 00.64
18 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja Preparation and characterization of sputtered smart nanomaterials for electrochromic devices 2009-2011 DST Technology Division 20.30
19 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja Growth of ZnO nanostructure by aqueous solution growth method 2009 AURF 00.64
20 Dr.G.Ravi A venture for developing Electro-optic Modulator from DAST single crystals 2007-2011 DST 25.00
21 Dr.S.Rajendran Development and Characterization of PVC-PEMA based solid polymer blend electrolytes for battery applications 2007-2010 DST 21.00
22 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja Studies on the effect of p-type dopants on intrinsic ZnO films for the application of transparent optoelectronic devices 2006-2009 UGC-DAE CSR 03.06
23 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja Preparation and characterization of electrochromic thin films. 2006-2009 UGC 00.60
24 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja Characterization of Reactor Materials by Photo acoustic Spectroscopy 2006-2009 DAE-BRNS 25.42
25 Dr.K.Sankaranarayanan Growth of ZnO single crystals for the preparation of wafers for nitride epitaxy 2004-2007 DRDO 18.80
26 Dr.K.Sankaranarayanan Production of Indium Phosphide Polycrystalline: An advanced III-V compound semiconductor material 2001-2002 DST 13.86
27 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja Material preparation and characterization of layered semiconductor thin film for solar cell 1999-2002 AICTE 07.30
28 Dr.G.Ravi Organic nonlinear crystals for electro-optic modulators 1998-2001 AICTE 10.00
29 Dr. R. Ilangovan Development of liquid phase electro-epitaxy to grow Potassium Tantalite Niobate ferroelectric thin films for device applications 1998-2001 DST 11.00
30 Dr. K. Srinivasan Development of High efficiency SHG optical elements from NMBA bulk single crystals 1998-2000 CSIR 04.36
31 Dr.K.Sankaranarayanan Growth of NLO Single Crystals by Low Temperature solution growth technique 1998-2000 CSIR 03.18
32 Dr. T. Thenappan Dielectric loss and relaxation studies of amine mixed TGS crystals 1997-2000 UGC 00.05
33 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja Characterization of electrodeposited SnS thin films 1997-2000 UGC 00.05
34 Dr.S.Kalyanasundaram Fabrication of microprocessor based ultrasonic interferometer and its use for the study of interactions in liquid mixtures 1997-2000 UGC 00.05
35 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja Structural Characterization of synthesized molybdenum diselenide films and PEC studies 1997-2000 DST 07.17
36 Dr.R.Ilangovan Development of diagnostic materials for Fluoride Ion detector 1997-1999 AICTE 07.00
37 Dr.G.Ravi Development of lanthanum fluoride single crystals 1996-1999 TNSCST 03.60
38 Dr.T.Mahalingam Solar energy conversion devices Based on electro-crystallized GaAs thin films 1996-1999 AICTE 02.00
39 Dr.S.Rajendran Development and characterization MEEP based polymer electrolytes 1996-1999 AICTE 03.30
40 Dr.R.Sabesan Study of Laser induced acoustic signals of relaxation process in condensed matter 1996-1999 DST 09.60
41 Dr.S.Rajendran Gel Ionics for Li battery applications development and characterization PAN based polymer electrolyte 1996-1999 DST 06.20
42 Dr.K.Sankaranarayanan Development of Indigenous Technology to Synthesize Indium Phosphide 1996-1998 AICTE 02.00
43 Dr.G.Ravi Fabrication of Optical Devices using Deuterated KDP for ready commercialization 1996-1998 TNSCST 01.90
44 Dr.T.Mahalingam Ion beam implantation and ion beam mixing studies of dilute magnetic semiconducting systems 1995-1997 IUC-DAEF 00.30
45 Dr.T.Mahalingam Tungsten diselenide thin film solar cells 1995-1997 AICTE 05.50
46 Dr.T.Mahalingam Fabrication and Studies of the thin film photochemical solar cells based on Cd(Se,Te) alloy semiconductors 1994-1997 CSIR 02.63
47 Dr.S.Rajendran Studies on solar control coatings for passive applications 1994-1996 UGC 00.05
48 Dr.R.Sabesan Polarized absorption spectra of L.B films of C.T complexes 1992-1994 DST 17.50
49 Dr.T.Mahalingam Spray Pyrolysis deposited thin film solar cells 1989-1992 UGC 00.15
50 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja Investigation of crystallographic Studies on some crystals 1985-1988 UGC 00.15
Sl. No. Program / Scheme Funding Agency Amount in Lakhs (Rs.) Duration
UGC 46.0 5 Years (2004-2009)
2 UGC-BSR UGC 40.0 3 Years (2007-2010)
3 DST-FIST DST 35.0 5 Years (2005-2010)
4 UGC-SAP DRS-II UGC 70.5 5 Years (2009-2014)
5 DST-PURSE DST 200 Lakh (out of 600 Lakh for all science departments) 3 Years (2011-2014)
6 DST-PURSE DST 700 Lakh for all science departments 3 Years (2016-2019)
7 UGC-SAP DRS III UGC 105.00 5 Years (2015-2020)
8 DST-FIST Level 1 DST 144.00 5 Years (2016-2021)
Sl. No. Institute Name Period
1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan, ROC 2017 - Till Date
2 Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway 2020 - Till Date
3 Stanford university, USA 2020 - 2023
Post Doctoral Fellowship
Sl. No. Name of the PDF Funding Agency Mentor
1 Dr. K. Balamurugan RUSA Dr.G.Ravi
2 Dr. P. Priyada RUSA Dr.K.Sankaranarayanan
List of Ph.D Awardees
Sl. No. Name of the Candidate Research Supervisor Year of Award
1Aadheeshwaran SDr. K. Sankaranarayanan2024
2Isacfranklin MDr.R.Yuvakkumar2023
3Sangeethavidhya MDr. R. Yuvakkumar2023
4Geetha G.VDr. R. Sivakumar - DDE2023
5Gayathri MDr. M. Ramesh Prabhu2023
6G. MaheswaranDr. S. Sudhahar2023
7Velsankar KDr. S. Sudhahar 2022
8Kannan KDr. M. Sivakumar2022
9Kaliammal RDr. S. Sudhahar2022
10Amaliroselin ADr. N. Anandhan2022
11Kouthaman MDr. M. Sivakumar2022
12Parvathy GDr. S. Sudhahar2022
13Karuppaiah MDr. G. Ravi2022
14Asaithambi SDr. G. Ravi2022
15Cynthia S.RDr. R. Sivakumar - DDE2022
16Martina PDr. M. Ramesh Prabhu2021
17Raja KDr. M. Ramesh Prabhu2021
18Ganesan K.PDr. N. Anandhan2021
19Paneerselvam RDr. N. Anandhan2021
20Rajapugalenthi MDr. M. Ramesh Prabhu2021
21Kalaiselvi CDr. R. Subadevi2021
22Arjunan PDr. M. Sivakumar2021
23Priyanka VDr. M. Sivakumar2021
24Diwakar KDr. M. Sivakumar2021
25Sarala NDr. K. Sankaranarayanan2021
26Jansi rani BDr.R.Yuvakkumar2021
27Rajkumar PDr. R. Subadevi2020
28Sakthivel PDr. G. Ravi2020
29Ponmani SDr. M. Ramesh Prabhu2020
30Sowmya GDr. M. Ramesh Prabhu2020
31K. BhavaniDr. K. Sankaranarayanan2020
32B. SaravanakumarDr.R.Yuvakkumar2020
33S. PonmudiDr.R.Sivakumar-DDE2019
34M. RamachandranDr.M.Sivakumar2019
35G. Radhika Dr. M. Sivakumar2019
36K. SelvakumarDr.M.Ramesh Prabhu2019
37K. KrishnaveniDr. M. Sivakumar2019
38V. GovindanDr. K. Sankaranarayanan2019
39R. DhanalakshmiDr.M.Sivakumar2019
40S. SheikfareedDr. G.Ravi2019
41T. MarimuthuDr. N.Anandhan2019
42R. Premila Dr. S. Rajendran 2018
43J. Kalaiselvimary Dr. M. Ramesh Prabhu2018
44M. ShanthiDr. R.Subadevi2018
45R. MuruganDr.G.Ravi2018
47M. GirishDr. R. Sivakumar - DDE2017
48P. PradeepaDr. M. Ramesh Prabhu2016
49P. PrahasiniDr. M. Sivakumar2016
50T. ShrividhyaDr. G. Ravi2016
51G. VijayaprasathDr. G. Ravi2016
52R. SenthilkumarDr. G. Ravi2016
53K. PunithaDr. R. Sivakumar - DDE2016
54C. SubbuDr. S. Rajendran2016
55G. Anandha BabuDr. G. Ravi2015
56K. S. UshaDr. R. Sivakumar - DDE2015
57R. MurugananthamDr. M. Sivakumar2015
58K. KesavanDr. S. Rajendran2015
59N. UshaDr. R. Sivakumar - DDE2015
60M. Chithra MathewDr. S. Rajendran2015
61M. ThangarajDr. G. Ravi2015
62S. R. KrishnamoorthiDr. R. Ilangovan2015
63M. UsharaniDr. S. Rajendran2014
64X. Helan FloraDr. S. Rajendran2013
65S. NagaraniDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2013
66D. PrakashDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2013
67MR. ManikandanDr. G. Ravi2013
68D. Rachel MalineDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2013
69V. DhanasekaranDr. T. Mahalingam2013
70A. Ayesha MariamDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2013
71L.C. NehruDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2012
72V. Shanthi BamaDr. S. Rajendran2012
73M. RamasamyDr. T. Thenappan2011
74H. AswathamanDr. T. Thenappan2011
75M. UlaganathanDr. S. Rajendran2011
76A. PrathimaDr. T. Thenappan2011
77T. Prem KumarDr. K. Sankaranarayanan2011
78S.D. GopalramDr. G. Ravi2011
79K. JeyadheepanDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2011
80A.Prabakar DevarajDr. T. Thenappan2011
81P. PerumalDr. T. Thenappan2011
82G. ArivazhaganDr. T. Thenappan2010
83S. ThanikaikarasanDr. T. Mahalingam2010
84M. Ramesh PrabhuDr. S. Rajendran2010
85M. Mohamed IbrahimDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2010
86C. RavidhasDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2010
87V. SenthilkumarDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2010
88K. SundaramDr. T. Mahalingam2010
89K. AshokDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2010
90S.SankarDr. G. Ravi2010
91R. SubadeviDr. S. Rajendran2009
92G. ParthipanDr. T. Thenappan2009
93Ravi shanker BabuDr. S. Rajendran2008
94M. RajaDr. T. Mahalingam2008
95K. SaravanakumarDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2008
96P. SivakumarDr. S. Rajendran2008
97A.Moses Ezhil RajDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2008
98R. VijayalakshmiDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2007
99A.KathalingamDr. T. Mahalingam2007
100C. ChelladuraiDr. S. Kalyanasundaram2007
101V.S. JohnDr. T. Mahalingam2006
102L. AmalrajDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2006
103J. WilsonDr. G. Ravi2006
104Ra. ShanmugavadivuDr. G. Ravi2006
105U. SankarDr. T. Thenappan2006
106A.Kingson Solomen JeevarajDr. T. Thenappan2006
107M. ArivanandhanDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2006
108K. SankaranarayananDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2006
109R. SivakumarDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2006
110M. SubramanianDr. T. Thenappan2006
111K. RamamoorthyDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2005
112A.Nixon AzariahDr.G.Ravi2005
113J. Jebaraj DevadasanDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2005
114S. Mary DelphineDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2004
115S. JeyalakshmiDr. S. Kalyanasundaram2004
116V. SeetharamanDr. S. Kalyanasundaram2004
117M. SivakumarDr. S. Rajendran2004
118J. ShanthiDr. S. Kalyanasundaram2004
119K. Nimma ElizebethDr. S. Kalyanasundaram2004
120S. LalithaDr. S. Kalyanasundaram2004
121S. Rukumini RadhakrishnanDr. S. Kalyanasundaram2003
122R. ThanapathyDr. M. Ramachandran2003
123J.S.P. ChitraDr. T. Mahalingam2003
124O. MahendranDr. S. Rajendran2003
125A.S. Haja HameedDr. G. Ravi2002
126T. UmaDr. S. Rajendran2002
127R. KannanDr. S. Rajendran2002
128B. SubramanianDr. C. Sanjeeviraja2002
129B. SakthivelDr. R. Sabesan2001
130B. SundaresanDr. S. Kalyanasundaram2001
131MD. Mustak HossainDr. G. Ravi2001
132J. HemalathaDr. S. Kalyanasundaram2000
133R. ChandramohanDr. T. Mahalingam1999
134J. PoongodiDr. R. Sabesan1998
135S. R. SrikumarDr. T. Mahalingam1998
136K. SrinivasanDr. P. Ramasamy1997
137A. Manuel StephenDr. S. Kalyanasundaram1997
138T. ThenappanDr. R. Sabesan1995
139S. SaraswathiDr. S. Kalyanasundaram1995
140N. ChelliahDr. R. Sabesan1995
Physics Alumni Meet

“Science is international but its success is based on institutions, which are owned by nations. If therefore, we wish to promote culture we have to combine and to organize institutions with our own power and means.”-Albert Einstein

Dear Alumni,
It’s our pride and privilege to invite you all to register in the Alumni Association and to attend the Alumni meet being organized in the department. We, the faculty of the department looking forward to the pleasure of meeting the Alumni of all the batches and to share their good old stories and foster new ties as well. This is once a year great opportunity and a joyful meet to interact with the batch-mates and relish and refresh the past memories.

You are our valued ambassador and strength to march forward to raise the flag of the department to greater heights. Let’s walk together to develop, nurture and promote a continuing relationship which supports and significantly impact the department’s ability to thrive and expand. We also work with current students, staff, researchers and friends of the Department, aiming and enhancing the experience of being part of one of the distinguished and most successful Departments in the campus.

We would love to stay in touch with each one of you and welcome you to visit us any time on the campus or drop us a line or email to stay connected. The Department of Physics is always in the forefront to honour our emeritus faculty in the past years and other staff. You are most welcome to mentor the current students in the areas of your expertise and to extend practical support in all possible means. Please register yourself in the Association through the link provide at the end of this message and share this information with your batch-mates for becoming a great member of this family.

Best wishes & Regards,
Head of the Department
+91 4565 223300/9865493229

Alumni Registration Link:

A Glimpse of our Galaxy of Alumni
M.Phil Alumini Details : 1987-2023
M.Sc. Alumini Details : 1985-2023
Star Alumni

Dr. M. Ravichandran (Alumni 1985-1987)


"He is first batch M.Sc. Physics student of our University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Physics from University of Pune. He worked as a Scientist in Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (ESSO-IITM), Pune during the year 1988 to 1997 in the field of Atmospheric Science. Later he moved to National Institute of Ocean Technology (ESSO-NIOT), Chennai in the year 1997. He joined as a Scientist at Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (ESSO-INCOIS) in the year 2001. Presently he is working in the field of Physical Oceanography, mainly dealing with ocean observing System and ocean modeling"

Dr. S. Gurunarayanan (Alumni 1985-1987)

Professor and Dean

Department of EEE & WILPD, BITS, Pilani.

+91-1596-245073 (Ext - 239) +91-1596-515239

"He is first batch M.Sc. Physics student of our University. Presently Teaching: VLSI Architecture, Microprocessor Programming & Interfacing"

Research Interest : Digital Design, Embedded Systems &Computer Architecture.

Ph.D 2000 BITS - Pilani
M.E (Systems & Informations) 1990 BITS - Pilani
M.Sc Physics 1987 Alagappa University, Tamilnadu

Dr. G. Pandithurai (Alumni 1985-1987)

Scientist E

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune.

"Dr. G. Pandithurai received his M.Sc. (Physics) from Alagappa University in 1987 and completed PGDCA in American college, Madurai. After completing his Ph.D. from University of Pune, he worked as a post-doctoral fellow in Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA during 1998-2000. Since then he has been holding various scientific positions at IITM. He received invitation fellowship from JSPS to work as a researcher in Centre for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University, Japan in 2008. He is an elected member as Vice Co-chair of International SKYNET committee; academic faculty of MoES Centre for Advanced Training (CAT) and serving as a committee member/reviewer for various national and international agencies/journals. He has guided 4 Ph.D. students and 15 M.Sc/M.Tech students and published about 95 research papers in peer-reviewed journals."

Dr. J. Hemalatha (Alumni 1997-2000)

Associate Professor

Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli- 620 015.


"Dr. J. Hemalatha received her Ph.D in the year 2000 from Alagappa University, Karaikudi. She joined CONCEPT research group, University of California, Berkeley, USA, as a visiting scholar. Her research interest is on Multiferroic materials, Polymer nanocomposites, multifunctional polymers, Nanofluids/Ferrofluids, Solid state Ionics, Ultrasonics etc. As per her perception, this University gives great values not only for academics and research, but also for every other aspects of life, including the culture, discipline, ethics and it makes the students into more responsible and cultured citizens."

Dr. R. Chandramohan (Alumni 1985-1987)


Sree Sevugan Annamalai College, Devakottai.

"He has completed his schooling to Ph.D. from Alagappa Group of Institutions, Karaikudi, and Post Doctoral Fellow of National Chang-Hua University of Education, Taiwan. He has guided 6 Ph.D's, 14 M.Phil Scholars and guiding 8 Ph.D's in Physics. He has extensive publication records and three projects by UGC including a Major Research Project. He has many publications in International journals nearing 120 and 4 National Journals and is one of the outstanding resource people in Nanotechnology and nano Science. He has been awarded many Fellowships to Present Paper at International Conferences abroad at Singapore and Malaysia and has visited several countries."

Dr. R. Perumal M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D., PGDCA

Principal (Gr. I)

Thiru. Vi. Ka. Govt. Arts College, Thiruvarur – 610 003

"As an aluminus of school of Physics, Alagappa University, it gives him an immense pleasure and satisfaction on having seen the growth of this school from the infrastructural facility, the devotion to work of the committed faculty, the opportunity for the youngsters to grow in the world – class scientists. As mentioned by him, Alagappa University shaped his life and research carriers. He also pointed out that attained this height only because of this school of Physics. "


Dr. M. Arivanandham (Alumni 2000-2006)

Associate Professor

Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Anna University, Chennai - 600 025



"Dr.M.Arivanandhan has completed M.Sc., (1999-2001) and M.Phil., (2001-2002) Physics in the Department of Physics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi. He started his research on the unidirectional growth of organic crystals and investigated the anisotropic properties of the unidirectional crystals during the doctoral studies at Alagappa University (2003-2006). During the doctoral research, he has received Alagappa University Research fellowship for pursuing his research. Later, he moved to IMR, Tohoku University, Japan as a COE Postdoctoral Fellow. After the PDF, he joined as Assistant Professor at Research Institute of Electronics (RIE), Shizuoka University, Japan. He has received two research grants of JSPS Young Scientist B (Kakhenki B (2010-2012)) and JSPS Young Scientist C (Kakhenki C (2014-2017)) from JSPS-MEXT. In December 2014, he moved to Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Anna University as an Associate Professor. Moreover, he has received an Early Career Research (ECR) Award from DST-SERB. As a outcome of his research, he has filed 3 patents in Japan, published 125 papers in International Journals."

Student Council

Year President Vice- President Secretary Joint-Secretary Executive Council Member
2023 - 2024 JJ.Premnath, Ph.D S.P.Keerthana, Ph.D A.Carolinamala, Ph.D A.Devadharsini, Ph.D G.Gunavathi, II M.Sc
SS. Aravinth Kumar, II M.Sc
E. Sanmathi, II M.Sc
R. Manisankaran, I M.Sc
C. Abinaya, I M.Sc
2022 - 2023 V.Balaji, Ph.D T. Sharmila, II M.Sc A. George Bernandas, I M.Sc - -
2021 - 2022 K. Sutharthani, Ph.D S. Hari Ramakrishnan, II M.Sc B. Subash, I M.Sc - -
2020 - 2021 M.Kouthaman, Ph.D S.Balamurugan, II M.Sc S. Hari Ramakrishnan, I M.Sc - -
2019 - 2020 S.Aadheeswaran, Ph.D R. Ruthira Kotti, II M.Sc S.Balamurugan, I M.Sc - -
2018 - 2019 P.Sakthivel, Ph.D M. Muthukumar, II M.Sc R. Ruthira Kotti, I M.Sc - -

Staff Committees

Name of the Committee Convener Members
Curriculum Development Dr. M. Sivakumar Dr.G.Ravi
Dr. N. Anandhan
Dr. R. Subadevi
Dr. M. Ramesh Prabhu
Dr. R. Yuvakkumar
Dr. S. Sudhahar
Dr. R. Sivakumar
Research Dr. K. Sankaranarayanan Dr. G. Ravi
Dr. M. Sivakumar
Dr. N. Anandhan
Dr. R. Subadevi
Dr. M. Ramesh Prabhu
Dr. R. Yuvakkumar
Dr. S. Sudhahar
Dr. R. Sivakumar
Admission Dr. R. Subadevi Dr. M. Ramesh Prabhu Dr. M. Sivakumar
Dr. N. Anandhan
Dr. R. Yuvakkumar
Dr. S. Sudhahar
Dr. R. Sivakumar
Doctoral committee to approve the Ph.D. synopsis for registration and other Ph.D. related recommendation Dr. K. Sankaranarayanan Dr. M. Sivakumar
Dr. N. Anandhan
Dr. R. Subadevi
Dr. M. Ramesh Prabhu
Dr. R. Yuvakkumar
Dr. S. Sudhahar
Dr. R. Sivakumar
Industry Linkage/Patent Dr. R. Yuvakkumar Dr. M. Sivakumar
Dr. N. Anandhan
Dr. R. Subadevi
Dr. M. Ramesh Prabhu
Dr. S. Sudhahar
Dr. R. Sivakumar
Purchase Dr. N. Anandhan Dr. S. Sudhahar Dr. M. Sivakumar
Dr. R. Subadevi
Dr. M. Ramesh Prabhu
Dr. R. Yuvakkumar
Dr. R. Sivakumar
Seminar/Symposia Dr. K. Sankaranarayanan Dr. M. Sivakumar
Dr. N. Anandhan
Dr. R. Subadevi
Dr. M. Ramesh Prabhu
Dr. R. Yuvakkumar
Dr. S. Sudhahar
Dr. R. Sivakumar
Library/Records/Certificate Dr. M. Sivakumar Dr. K. Sankaranarayanan
Dr. N. Anandhan
Dr. M. Ramesh Prabhu
Dr. R. Yuvakkumar
Dr. S. Sudhahar
Dr. R. Sivakumar
Timetable Dr. M. Sivakumar Dr. K. Sankaranarayanan
Dr. M. Sivakumar
Dr. N. Anandhan
Dr. R. Subadevi
Dr. R. Yuvakkumar
Dr. S. Sudhahar
Dr. R. Sivakumar
CSIR-NET/TN-SET/GATE Coaching Classes/NIRF/Annual Report Dr. N. Anandhan Dr. K. Sankaranarayanan
Dr. M. Sivakumar
Dr. R. Subadevi
Dr. R. Yuvakkumar
Dr. S. Sudhahar
Dr. R. Sivakumar
2018 - 2023
S. No. Name of the Candidate Name of the Recruiter
1 Mangala Bharathi R Tamilnadu Police, Ramanathapuram
2 Tamaraiselvi K Randstad India, Chennai
3 Ruthira Kotti. R Rani Institute of Scholoistic Education, Chennai
4 Sri Sahalinin S Repco bank, Sivakasi
5 Louis Franco A Asian Paints, Coimbatore
6 Bastina Celcia J Karur Vysya Bank, Kovilur
7 Thenmozhli M Department of Post, India
8 Ramya S Jehovah Nissi design Build Pvt. Ltd, Tirunelveli
9 Hariramakrishnan S Project Associate, CECRI, Karaikudi
10 Bhuvaneswari C Department of Post, India
11 Balamurugan S Department of Post, India
12 Thiyakarajan C JRF, Central University of Tamilnadu, Tiruvarur
13 Navaneethakrishnan XYLEM Leearning App, Calicut, Kerala
14 Santhiya Randstad India, Chennai
15 Vijayalakshmi A Kendriya Vidhyalaya, Karaikudi
16 Sneha M Akhosh Solutions, Trichy
17 Vishnu Priya V Karur Vysya Bank, Cuddalore
18 Manoj Kumar C OLA Senior Associate and Process engineering, Bangalore
Magazines / Newsletters
  1. Volume - 1
  2. Volume - 2
  3. Volume - 3
  4. Volume - 4
Events & Extension Activities
Sl. No. Conferences/Workshops/Seminars Period
1 A special Lecturer on Construction of Biologically Interesting Aromatics via Benzannulation 26th February 2024
2 A special program entitled “Psychology Based Performance Evaluation for Students 16th February 2024
3 One day Workshop on Electrochemistry 10th November 2023
4 World Standards Day 2023 16th October 2023
5 25th National Seminar on Crystal Growth and Applications 2023 21-23 June 2023
6 National Technology Day-2023 11th May 2023
7 South India Physics Students Congress on“Lightening the initiatives taken by Physicist thus far” 24-25 March 2023
8 Act NEXT - 2022 10th January 2023
9 World Standards Day 2022 14th October 2022
10 National Theme Meet on University- Industry Interface 2022 22nd March 2022
11 Act NEXT - 2021 17th March 2022
12 World Standards Day 2021 13th October 2021
13 Act NEXT - 2020 12th February 2021
14 World Standards Day 2020 14th October 2020
15 UGC Sponsored International Virtual Conference on Recent Trends in Advanced Materials (INCRTEM-2020) 9-11 September 2020
16 ACT NEXT - 2019 28 August 2020
17 One Day International Webinar on Advances in Materials Science 10 June 2020
18 Webinar entitled (i)Ideas and Implementation for Innovation and Incubation and (ii)Sun Our Nearest Star 13th May 2020
19 World Standards Day 2019 21 October, 2019
20 International Conference On Advanced Materials For Sustainable Energy And Sensors (INCAMSES-2019) 16-17 September 2019
21 ACT NEXT - 2018 5 April 2019
22 National Conference on Advanced Materials for Sustainable Energy and Sensors(NCAMSES-2019) 20-22 March 2019
23 World Standards Day 2018 30 October, 2018
24 ACT NEXT - 2017 28 April 2018
25 International Conference on Momentous Role of Nanomaterials in Renewable Energy Devices 1-2 March 2018
26 Business Oriented Analytical Research and Development 31 Jan 2018
27 National Theme Meet on University to Industry Interface -2017 (NTM U2I-2017) 20-21 September 2017
28 ACT NEXT 2016 28 April 2017
29 UGC Sponsored National Conference on Futuristic Materials (NCFM-2017) 27-28,March 2017
30 Business Oriented Hands-on Training on Analytical Instrumentation (HI-BOAT-2017) 2-3,March 2017
31 National Seminar on Advanced Materials Research 19, January 2017
32 National Seminar on Recent Advancements in Frontier Areas of Materials Science 23-24, March 2016
33 ACT NEXT 2015 18, March 2016
34 ACT NEXT 2014 26, March2015
35 “International Workshop on Advanced Materials -2014 (IWAM-2014)” 20-21 March 2014.
36 National Workshop on Characterization Techniques(NWCT-2, 2013)” 24 & 26, March 2013
37 “National Workshop on Characterization Techniques(NWCT-1, 2012)” 24 & 26, March 2012
38 International Workshop on Advanced Energy Materials (IWAEM-2012) 9-10, February 2012
39 State Level Workshop on Structure solving by Powder X-ray diffraction (SLWSSP-XRD 2011) 26-27, July 2011
40 National Conference on Recent Trends in Advanced Energy Materials (NCRTEM-2010) 10 & 11 March 2010
National Workshop on Theory and Practice of X-Ray Diffraction Techniques July 13-17, 2009
42 Workshop on Crystal Growth and Characterization 16th March 2009
43 Workshop on “Recent Advancement in Materials Science” 7th March 2008
44 Workshop on “Recent Advancement in Materials Science” 7th March 2008
45 National Workshop on “Nano Materials-Synthesis, Characterization and Applications” 14-15th December 2006
46 Workshop on “Recent Advancement in Thrust Areas of Materials Science” March 20, 2006
47 One day Seminar on Renewable Energy for Society conducted by the Department of Physics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi on sponsored by TEDA, Chennai 20th August 2005
48 National Workshop on “Thin Film Preparation and Characterization Techniques for Energy Conversion” Sponsored By Alagappa University, CSIR, BRNS, DST, MNES, DRDO 22-26 Nov 2004
49 National Conference on “Recent Trends on Material Sciences” sponsored by CSIR and Alagappa University 03 May 1999
50 National Conference on “Tamilnadu Science Congress in Tamil”, Dept. of physics, Alagappa University, at Pondicherry University 24-26 Dec 1994
51 National Seminar on “New Trends in Electrochemical Sciences” SAEST, Dept. of Physics and Dept. of Industrial Chemistry 23 Dec 1994
52 Workshop in “Physics for Higher Secondary Teachers” Sponsored by Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology 27 March 1991
53 A seminar on “Energy Crisis and Energy Alternatives” sponsored by the Madras Refineries 24 Jan 1991
54 Second National Conference of Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) sponsored by UGC and Alagappa University 4-6,May 1986
Extension Activities
Date Activity Place
18.03.2023 Women's Day Department of Physics
18.03.2023 Alumni Meet Department of Physics
18.03.2023 Parent Teacher Association Meet Department of Physics
10-12 March 2023 Village Extension Programme Velangudi
25.03.2022 AN Alumni Meet Department of Physics
25.03.2022 FN Parent Teacher Association Meet Department of Physics
31.01.2020 to 06.02.2020 NSS Verasekarapuram
20.09.2019 Village Placement Programme Kanadukathan
05.04.19 Parent Teacher Association Meet Dept. Physics, ALU
05.04.19 Alumni Meet Dept. Physics, ALU
11.10.18 to 13.10.18 Village Placement Programme Velangudi
11.07.18 Swachh Bharat- Summer Internship Program 18-19 Karaikudi
20.04.18 Swachh Bharat- Cleaning Work Karaikudi
19.03.18 to 25.03.18 Alagappa University NSS seven days special camp Kandanur
03.03.18 Parent Teacher Association Meet Dept. Physics, ALU
03.03.18 Alumni Meet Dept. Physics, ALU
06.10.17 NSS- Dengue Awareness Programme and Nilavembu Kudineer supply Karaikudi
22.09.17 to 24.09.17 Village Placement Programme Nemam
29.01.17 Alumni Meet Dept. Physics, ALU
23.12.16 Parent Teacher Association Meet Dept. Physics, ALU
23.09.16 to 25.09.16 Village Placement Programme Nemam
28.03.2016 Environmental Club Meet Dept. Physics, ALU
21.03.2016 Science Exhibition Dept. Physics, ALU
21.03.2016 Science Quiz Dept. Physics, ALU
11.03.2016 Photography Exhibition Science Block, ALU
19.12.2015 Alumni Meet Dept. Physics, ALU
18.12.2015 Parent Teacher Association Meet Dept. Physics, ALU
1-4, December 2015 Study Tour VSSC, Cochin
17.10.2015 Industrial Visit BHEL, Thirumayam
24-26, September 2015 Village Placement Programme Alagapuri Village, Kottaiyur
27.03.2015 Industrial Visit (Heritage and Annamalayar Papers) Vedhiyangudi
25-27th Sep-2014 Village Placement Programme Kundrakkudi
23-25. Sept.13 Village Placement Programme Alagapuri, Kottaiyur
07.01.2013 Field visit in-charge for II M.Sc., (2013-14) Physics students. Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Kovillor, Sub-station, Karaikudi-2.
22 - 24, Sep 2011 Village Placement Programme Ilupakkudi, Tamil Nadu
Photo Gallery